Maybe I Should Tell Him

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Darcy's Pov

Watching Tommy make googly eyes at Penny while I try to talk to them about my current situation isn't exactly helping. I can honestly say something completely off topic and neither one of them would know because they're so obviously not paying attention to me.

They're nodding every so often and humming along but it's clear they couldn't care less. I can cut their sexual tension with a knife right now.

"And I need your advice here. What should I do?"

"Um, yeah. I agree." Penny smiled at me after tearing her eyes away from Tommy.

"That's not what I asked." I sighed.

"Sorry, sorry." She turned her attention away from Tommy and finally looked at me. "I'm all ears."


The bell rang to get to class and I groaned.

"We'll talk later at lunch and I promise I'll listen to the whole thing, lovie." She promised and laced her fingers with Tommy.

I'm conflicted. I don't want to lead Kevin on because I think I like Isaac but I don't want to tell Isaac that I like him if I don't exactly know for sure.

I can't just tell him and risk ruining our friendship. He's my best friend and I don't want to jeopardize anything.

I rushed to class and barely made it on time. I spent the whole hour thinking about what I should do. I haven't seen Tommy yet and Isaac had Mia bring him to school so I haven't seen him either. He's not sitting in his seat so he's late today but that's fine, it gives me time to think.

Maybe I don't like Isaac. Maybe I'm confusing friendship and my best friend love for him for something more.

Do I think he's cute? Sure. He's handsome but looks aren't everything.

Kevin is also cute.

Is Isaac sweet? Obviously. He treats me like... a princess. He cares so much.

Is Isaac boyfriend material?...

"I told you, you needed to bring a jacket." Isaac shock his head at me as I tugged my long sleeves down over my hands and folded my arms over my chest.

I thought I would be fine because I had long sleeves but it's colder than I thought.

"My mum told me to get a jacket but I told her I'd be fine and when I stepped outside and got a little chilly, I didn't want to go back in because I'd never hear the end of it." I explained.

"You're an idiot." He teased. "Here," He pulled his sweatshirt over his head and handed it to me and I didn't even have to think twice before pulling it over my head.


"Your mum said I can come up." Isaac said after gently knocking on my bedroom door and peeking inside. "How are you feeling?"

"A little better than earlier."

"Well, I don't know what it's like to be a girl and all but my dad always gets Mia chocolate and a heating pad so I got your favorite and I stole her heating pad." He held out his hands, revealing a Hershey's chocolate bar and a heating pad for me to use.

"Thank you bubby." I smiled. "My dad already got me a heating pad though." I lifted up my blanket to show the warm cloth resting on my stomach.

"Good because I don't really know how to work this one." He chuckled.


"You can have my last cookie." He offered me.

"Since when do you share food?"

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