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Y/n's Pov

"What did the boys want for lunch, Hairbear? Ava and I are on our way home now." I said over the phone to Harry.

"Well, I promised the winning team that they can pick the toppings on a pizza and Edward and Nick won so they want meat lovers pizza." He groaned through the speaker since my phone was connected to the car.

"You don't sound too happy about that." I teased.

"No, I had fun but I'm just a little sore. I think I'm gonna need a hot bath later and some extra loving from you." He said.

"Sounds like you need an ice bath." I giggled. "I'll pick up the pizza now. Did you need anything else while we're out?"

"Not that I can think of. I can't wait to see my pretty girls. Did you get your nails painted with sparkles like you wanted Ava?" He asked and Ava's face lit up as she looked at her own nails.

"Yes! And me and mummy are twins." She said.

"Daddy needs his nails painted too. I want to match with you."

"But twins can only be two, daddy." She explained. "So you can't have the same nails as me and mummy."

"We can be triplets, love. Can you paint daddy's nails to match, please?" He asked and she gasped with excitement.

"I get to paint your nails?!"

"Yeah, I want them nice and pretty like yours and mummy's."



I carried in two boxes of pizza and set it down on the table where the boys demolished it. Ava trailed behind me and Harry came to greet us.

"Look at you," He dramatically gasped. "You don't look like daddy's baby anymore. What happened?"

"I got my hair done like mummy's." She explained.

"And you look so pretty." He picked her up and kissed her cheek. "You're a big girl now, aren't you? Too big for daddy to play tea party with..."

"No! I can still play tea party." She said. "Can we please play?"

"I've been waiting all day to play with you. I ironed my tutu and everything." He said. "Let's make a deal, okay. Give daddy time to eat his pizza then I'll come have dessert and tea with you upstairs. But please don't sit me next to Mrs. Rainbow again, she ate my cookies when I wasn't looking." He set her back on her feet and she nodded.

"Okay! I have to go set up." She quickly ran towards the stairs, too excited to hear me say no running.

Once she was out of sight and it was just the two of us in the kitchen, he smirked at me before leaning in and giving me a kiss.

"I missed you. You should have saw me out there earlier scoring all the goals." He said. "But what do you expect from a star athlete?" He joked.

"How many times did you fall?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he pouted.

"Only once." He said and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Okay twice but technically I tripped the second time, I didn't actually fall."

"My star athlete." I sarcastically said.

"I'm your favorite athlete, aren't I?" He wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips against mine. "You've always been my little cheerleader, praising me for all that I do." He whispered in my ear. "And begging me for the things you want me to do."

"Maybe if you're lucky, I'll put on my costume." I twirled my finger around his baby curl. "I think it still fits."

"If not, it's still good for lingerie." He winked. "But that's for later. I'm afraid if we keep talking about this now, I'll be late for my tea party." He said. "And I have to make my debut before Mr. Frog or he'll steal all of my thunder." He pulled away from me and entered the dinning room to grab a slice of pizza before going upstairs.

Harry Styles Darcy Imagines Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now