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Darcy's Pov

So I'm guessing things with Tommy and Penny is going well. They aren't yelling at each other and even though we can't hear them from where we are behind the bush, we can see them and they're standing a safe distance away from each other.

"How weird is it going to be with our best friends dating now?" I asked Isaac as I picked at the leaves on the bush.

"Well, if normal best friends fell in love, not so weird but this is Penny and Tommy... It's either going to go really well and they won't be able to keep their hands off of each other or they're going to kill each other." He shrugged.

Best friends in love. That's so cliché.

I can't let Penny get in my head like I got in hers. Isaac doesn't like me. I would know if he did and he doesn't.

"Yeah, best friends... That's kind of awkward." I cringed.

"How so?" He faced me.

"Well, they grew up together. It's almost like they're siblings." I said. "It'd be like you and I dating and that thought alone is like-" I stopped to look at his face, making sure I wasn't hurting his feelings in case he really does like me. "You know, weird."

"But we aren't siblings. Far from siblings actually, we were married once." He smirked.

"But we were three, we grew out of that." I stated. "Right?"

"Of course." He said as he looked away from me and peeked through the bush to see if Penny and Tommy were doing okay.

Okay, so we're clear. Isaac doesn't like me. He just admitted to growing out of the stage of liking me like I did with him.

So now I don't feel too bad. We're both on the same page.

"So what about you?" I asked him, gently bumping his side.


"You must like someone. Who's the lucky girl?" I asked him and watched his cheeks turn pink. "Or guy, you know I wouldn't judge you." I smiled.

"I- I don't like anyone." He stumbled over his words. "And you know it would be a girl if I did."

"I'm just letting you know I would be supportive either way." I placed my hand on his leg.

"I know you would but I can assure you, I'm straight." He chuckled. "And there's no special girl on my mind except for you... But not like that, I just mean-"

"Yeah, I know." I cut him off before he started going off on a tangent about how we've always been close and we're both really special to each other and we're always going to think of each other like that only it'd be weird to admit out loud so he would struggle to get the words to explain it.

"So you're okay with me going out with Kevin?" I cautiously asked him.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know... You say you don't like him." I mumbled.

"Because I don't but I can't stop you from going out with him." He said. "I'm sure I'm going to date girls that you don't like and as much as it sucks, it's inevitable so we just have to adjust to it."

"It's just one date but if things go well..."

"I'll learn to live with him if he makes you happy." He said.

"Oh lovebirds! You can come out now." Penny said from down the hill.

Isaac stood up then reached to help me up as well.

Penny and Tommy were holding hands at their sides and I shrieked. "So?"

"She said she'll think about going out with me." Tommy smiled.

Harry Styles Darcy Imagines Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now