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Harry's Pov

Ava sat on my lap as I booked the flights to St. Lucia and booked a room at the Jade Mountain resort for Y/n and I's anniversary. Once I got the confirmation email, I clicked off of the screen and Ava resumed playing her game.

"Daddy has to get work done baby, you have five more minutes." I gently said.

"But you just took up some of my time." She pouted. "I just started playing again."

"You have your tablet." I said.

"It's charging and mummy's phone is charging and Darcy won't let me play on hers." She said.

"Ten more minutes but that's all." I gently caressed her back.

She likes coming into my office and sitting with me. Sometimes she'll bring a piece of paper and sit on my lap to color at my desk while I type on the computer. Or she'll sit on the couch by the window and do her homework. I turned our basement into a studio and she loves to go down there to hear me play or sing anything. She's my number one fan and my baby. I can't say no to her.

Y/n peeked her head in to check on us then announced she was going to start making lunch.

I watched Ava play whatever game she was so interested in and checked my phone to see that my gift is ready to be picked up at the jewelry store. Y/n's matching set. Hopefully she likes it.

"Change of plans, do you want to run an errand with me?" I asked her.

"What's an errand?" She curiously asked.

"A task, an outing, something that we have to drive to do." I tried explaining as simple as possible.

"Okay." She excited said. "Can I sit in the front seat?"

"You need to sit on your booster seat in the back, it's too dangerous for you to sit in the front." I said and she pouted, giving me puppy dog eyes. "It's just to keep you safe, love. What if something happens? Another car could hit our car and the airbag will be too strong for you. When you're older, you can sit in the front seat all the time. Give it 4 more years, that won't be long at all." I said.

I kissed her cheek and logged off the computer then lifted her off of my lap.

"Go get your shoes and potty before we leave." I said.

She went upstairs and I exited the office to go find Y/n in the kitchen washing grapes.

"Ava will be having peanut butter and jelly with grapes and carrot sticks, do you want me to make you a sandwich too or do you want the pasta I meal prepped yesterday?" She asked.

"Pasta sounds good but I was hoping for something sweeter." I eyed her and she blushed, shooting me a look. "Maybe for dessert."

"You always have a sweet tooth." She bit her lip and I went over to kiss her.

"Can you put off lunch for an hour? Me and my princess are going out to get something." I said.

"A present for our anniversary?" She guessed. "Your present came in this morning."

"I wonder what it could be." I smirked.

"Same here. I hope you didn't spend too much money." She said.

"How much is too much money?" I smiled and kissed her one last time. "I'll be back soon."


I held Ava's hand as we entered the jewelry store and they greeted me at the door.

"Mr. Styles, always a pleasure and who do we have here joining us today?" The owner of the store bent down to Ava's level and she blushed, hiding behind my leg.

Harry Styles Darcy Imagines Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now