Undeniably Yours

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Darcy's Pov

I woke up a tad bit earlier today so I could shower and wash my hair this morning. I dried it for the most part but I don't like damaging my curls and so I left it a little damp and decided to wear it down. I put on very little makeup and got dressed into a blouse and my jean shorts and then went downstairs to get breakfast.

Ava was eating poptarts and drinking milk and I got down a box of cereal to eat.

"I forgot I had a doctors appointment later and your dad is out until six today so I need you to pick up Ava from preschool." Mum said to me.


"Your brothers don't have football practice today either so you have to pick them up as well. And you're in charge until I get back." She said. "And no friends over."


Ethan and Edward came downstairs and got cereal as well and we all ate quickly then got up to leave after kissing mum's cheek.

"Bye Aves see you later."

"Bye bye!"


After dropping my brothers off at school, I went to my school and got out, in search for Isaac, we texted all night which isn't rare but last night was different. We weren't flirting but we both didn't want the conversation to die down so we kept sending any and everything and I feel like I barely got any sleep. On top of waking up early, I'm exhausted and can't wait to get home to take a nap after school.

"Hi honey." I heard from behind me and I couldn't contain the smile from forming on my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hi," I pulled away and kissed his cheek a few times.

"Can I kiss you properly?" He looked down at my lips and I felt my face heating up. We're in the middle of the hallway and even though students do kiss and make out in the hall, I think it's highly inappropriate and it makes others uncomfortable.

"Later." I looked around us and even though no one is paying us attention, I still don't feel comfortable kissing in public.

"Okay," He released me and laced his fingers with mine so we could walk to our lockers. "I was thinking, once you get ungrounded and if you want to, we can go on a date." He sheepishly said.

"Are you asking or suggesting?" I asked.


"That didn't sound like a question." I teased.

"Will you go on a date with me?" He scrunched up his nose at me and I mirrored his expression.

"I'll have to check my schedule... And see how I'm feeling that day." I continued with the teasing and he lightly shoved me away. "I'm kidding. I do want to go out with you."

"I don't know if I want to anymore." He said. "You're a meanie."

"Would you deprive your wife of a date just because she was mean to you?" I opened up my locker and let go of his hand so I can put some of my books inside.

"You make a good point. Happy wife, happy life." He took my hand in his again and we walked to his locker so he could get his things.

I saw Kevin down the hall, talking to his friends and they were all looking at me, except for Kevin which lead me to believe that he said something about me.

I hope it's nothing bad but I wouldn't be surprised if it was. He was pretty angry yesterday and he had every right to be.

"I'm sure they're not talking about you." Isaac said. "We don't have to walk that way."

Harry Styles Darcy Imagines Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now