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Darcy's Pov

After walking home in the heat. It took me almost 40 minutes and it didn't help that we lived at the top of a hill! I had a lot of thinking to do. I guess it's what my parents wanted.

I'm more scared than ever. I don't get in trouble! The worse thing I've ever done was accidentally back my dad's car into the garage and dent the door. He didn't freak out, he was more concerned that I was okay.

I've been grounded once before when I got caught trying to sneak out the house. I was 12 and I got into an argument with my mum about not wanting to do the dishes. She told me to go to my room and come back down to do them in an hour. I did, but after doing them I wanted to leave the house- I swore I was running away and never gonna come back. My dad caught me of course and I was grounded for a week.

But if that was the worst thing I've ever done and I was grounded for a week, I can only imagine what's going to happen to me once I get inside of the house.

I opened the side door of the garage, deciding to go in this way instead of the front door. My car was parked in its usual place just like my dad mentioned. I unlocked the door to enter the house and took in the surroundings.

It's quiet.

If I didn't know any better, I'd assume no one was home.

I walked pass the living room and my parents weren't in there. They were in the kitchen having a cup of tea together and neither of them looked please to see me.

"I can explain." I quickly said.

"We don't get a 'hello' 'I'm sorry for sneaking out of school today'?" My mom sat up straighter in her chair as she looked at me and I felt myself practically shrink under her gaze.

"Hi... Sorry for sneaking out of school today. I can explain everything though." I said.

"Please do."

"Okay... I was going to go to class but-"

"Let me stop you right there. There shouldn't be a 'but' after that sentence." My dad said. "When you leave the house in the morning to go to school, you're expected to be at school the entire time."

"I know-"

"What if something happened to you? You could have been in a car accident or kidnapped or worse!" My mum panicked. "I can understand you ditching a few classes but leaving campus in someone else's car is unacceptable."

"Yes, and-"

"And who is this boy that snuck you off campus? I think it's safe to assume it was his idea since you hate missing school. And please tell me you two didn't ditch so you can have sex." Dad gave me a stern look.

"No, we didn't. We went to get ice cream then spent some time in the arcade." I explained. "I'm sorry I ditched school to hang out with him, I deserve any punishment that you give me." I sweetly said, hoping to soften the punishment a little but they didn't look too happy with me right now.

"Well, you've been suspended for three days and you have detention once you get back to school next week. And your father and I discussed that you're grounded for three weeks, you can only drive to and from school from now on. No hanging out after school, you can't have sleepovers, or-" Mum was interrupted my dad,

"You aren't allowed to see the boy again."


"He's a bad influence."

I sighed and slowly nodded my head. There's no use in arguing over Kevin right now. They're both still mad at me.

"Okay." I looked between the both of them and twiddled my fingers. "May I go get started on my homework?"

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