Driving Me Crazy

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Darcy's Pov

I purposely took my time getting ready this morning. I straightened my hair, I brushed my teeth twice, I took an extra long shower then went down to get breakfast with Ava.

Edward and Ethan were already at school, dad took them.

Ava goes to preschool later so dad is dropping her off soon.

Mum was pacing around the kitchen, trying to prepare Ava's lunch for today because she forgot.

After breakfast, I watched a little tv and YouTube to prepare myself for my driver's test. I know how to drive. I've been doing it for six months now but getting in the car with a stranger and being judged while I drive is nerve wrecking.

"We're leaving in twenty minutes, Darcy." Mum said to me and I curled up in a ball under the blanket on the couch.

"I'm back, where's my beautiful princess?" Dad entered the foyer and Ava went running to him.

"Here I am!" She squealed.

"You're getting so big, you know. Soon, daddy won't be able to pick you up."

"No." She pouted, latching her arms around him and he kissed her cheek.

"I'm just kidding. Daddy will always be big and strong enough to carry his babies. All of them." He gently patted my back. "You're going to do fine, love." He assured me. "I'm rooting for you and sending all of my love and best wishes."

I thanked him and soon, mum was ushering me out of the door to go.


Paranoid. I was having second doubts as soon as mum got out of the car and the instructor got in.

I drove the speed limit, used my blinker when needed, switched lanes at appropriate times, and parked correctly. When we got back to the dmv, I waited patiently for the guy to tell me the results and...

I passed!

I couldn't contain my excitement. I passed.

I'm getting a car! I'm getting my license.

I went over to my mum and we both squealed with excitement before going in and finishing the rest of the paper work.

"I get to drive on my own now!" I said as we got back in the car and I started driving to school.

"I get to have you run errands for me now." She teased and I didn't even care at this point because all of my anxiety from earlier washed away.

I made it to school and went into the office to get a pass to class.

I couldn't wait to tell Isaac and Penny and Kevin and Tommy. All of my friends were texting me but I wanted to tell them in person.


During passing period, I snuck up behind Isaac and placed my hands over his eyes. "Guess who?" I deepened my voice so he wouldn't suspect it was me but he already knew.

"Darcy! Why didn't you answer my texts?" He turned around in my arms and I tried to hide my excitement. "Did you pass?"

"I didn't." I pretended to be sad but he saw right through me.

"Liar!" He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, lifting me off of the ground a little. "I'm so proud of you! You get to be my chauffer now." He teased.

"Only if you promise to buy me lemonade every time we go out." I said the first thing I thought of.

"Deal." He smiled.

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