A Different Light

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Penny's Pov

It was 6:45 when Tommy arrived. He was wearing a blue button up shirt and the color was similar to my dress. Darcy must have told him about it.

"You look great." He smirked.

I clutched my purse in my hands nervously as I looked at him. "Just great?"

"I was going to say beautiful but that's corny and I know how much you hate clichés." He said. "Are you ready now or do you need me to wait?"

"I'm ready." I smiled and he held his hand out for me to take as he lead the way to his car parked in the driveway.

He opened the door for me and then got in on the driver's side.

"I was going to give you flowers but again- the cliché thing. So here are the chocolates that you like, some have strawberry filing and others are raspberry." He said.

"Thank you." I took the box of chocolates he gave me.

"You don't like them." He immediately concluded.

"No, I do." I assured him. "I'm just saving them. I don't want to spoil my appetite and I'm sort of dieting right now."

"For what?" He frowned. "And don't say to lose weight because you don't have an ounce of body fat on your body."

"People diet for different reasons all the time. I'm just trying to eat healthier." I said. "But I will eat these eventually so thank you."

He started up the car after that and drove us to my favorite restaurant like he said he would. He made reservations so we were seated right away and brought bread and water before they asked what drinks we wanted.

"Please don't tell me you're one of those girls that don't eat in front of guys. Because I swear you used to eat like a pig. I witnessed you shove like three hamburgers down your throat before and asked for pie afterwards." Tommy said after our waitress walked away. "It's just me, you don't have to be shy."

I picked up the bread from the basket even though I wanted to avoid eating carbs.

"Don't call me a pig ever again." I added butter to the bread and he chuckled, knocking his feet against mine under the table.

"You're a cute pig." He smirked. "I've had a crush on you for awhile now... Not as long as you probably." He teased. "I mean, I had this whole plan to tell you around prom time but then you grew some balls and told me first."

"It was- I didn't mean to-"

"I'm glad that you did. I probably would have chickened out and if your dad knew you were here with me right now, he'd kill me." He smiled.

"Can't wait to tell him all about how Tommy Tomlinson wasn't a gentleman and how he tried making a move on me at dinner and then we fooled around in the back of his car." I joked and Tommy's eyes widened. "I'm kidding you prick." I shooed him. "Relax... I would never fool around in the back of a car." I winked at him.

"But the front seat is okay? I'll take notes." He smirked.


Darcy's Pov

"You burned them!" I fanned the air around me as Isaac opened the oven and out came smoke as he lifted the cookies out with an oven mitt. "How did I know this was going to happen?" I giggled.

"The first batch came out fine. I think it's you." He placed the pan of burnt cookies on the counter and started scrapping them off with the spatula.


"Yes, you." He said. "You distracted me."

"You had a timer set on your phone." I stated. Or at least he thought he did. "You should have double checked everything."

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