Just to Make Sure

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Super anti climatic ending for the last chapter, I was going to add the flashback from this chapter in the last chapter but it was already so long so it's in here as a flashback, don't hate me, you might like the ending of this chapter.


Darcy's Pov

Just to make sure I'm doing the right thing, I rehearsed what I wanted to say in my mirror.

Kevin, I'm sorry. It's not you, it's me.

Too overly used.

I think we're better off as friends.

Too vague.

I can't be with you because I'm in love with someone else.

Too... forward.

I'm sorry, my parents don't want me seeing you - and frankly, I'm over you.

Too hurtful.

I can't break up with him. I suck at breaking up with people- not that I have experience in that area but I've literally been 'married' to my best friend for like 13 years.

I don't want to end things but I like Isaac. After last night,

The two of us, screaming One Direction lyrics at the top of our lungs as we drove back to his house. He was serenading Olivia to me at one point and then I leaned in to kiss his cheek but barely missed and kissed the corner of his lips instead, causing the both of us to blush and pull away.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." I quickly said.

He brought my hand that was holding his, up to his mouth to kiss the back of my hand, "It's fine." He gently said. "If you wanted to kiss me, all you had to do was ask." He teased.

"If I wanted to kiss you, I would kiss you." I lightly shoved him.

"Then kiss me." He puckered his lips and leaned towards me.

"If you didn't taste like mint chocolate chip ice cream, maybe I would." I scrunched up my nose in disgust.

"You don't know what you're missing. Mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best."

"Says the guy who eats everything."

"Exactly, I have a lot to compare it with! Therefore I know for a fact that mint chocolate chip is the best." He said.

We sat in silence for awhile- but it's always a comfortable silence. We just admire and appreciate each other's presence but that was ruined when 'Clouds' came on, my dad screamed for the first verse, snapping the two of us out of our gaze.

It's like he ruins my moments even when he's not here.

"I should head inside, I'll see you tomorrow." He said.

"Okay, love you." I leaned in to kiss his cheek, only it was the same time he leaned in to kiss my cheek and our lips connected for a few seconds...

A few seconds of my heart beat pounding in my ears and both of our cheeks turning red.

A few seconds that seemed like hours where it was just the two of us and no one else.

He pulled away and stared into my eyes, "That was an accident, right? Or was that the kiss you so badly wanted?"

A joke! A joke is good, it means there's no awkwardness between us even though we just bloody kissed.

"That was an accident." I said.

"Good, just making sure." He smirked. "Our real first kiss, the kind you have to come up for air for, is what I imagined it would be like unless you count the kiss I gave you already when we were three." He leaned in again, this time with his hand on my cheek to keep me in place.

Harry Styles Darcy Imagines Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now