He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

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12: 30 am

Darcy's Pov

"I don't wanna leave." Isaac groaned and held onto me tighter. "Is it really necessary that we sleep in different rooms? We aren't going to do anything."

"If my parents walked in and saw you in my bed, they'd freak out."

"What if I slept on the floor?" He asked. "It's so lonely in the guest bedroom. Nick is sleeping in the room with your brothers, that's not fair."

"Nick or my brothers can't get pregnant." I shrugged. "I think it's okay if you sleep on the floor but I'd rather sleep on the floor and have you sleep on the bed."

"You know I'd never let you sleep on the floor." He said.

"Fine but when you're cold in the middle of the night and your back hurts, I don't want to hear any complaints." I dropped one of my pillows on the floor and got out of bed to get a few blankets from the hall closet.

I folded them for him and laid them down on the floor as a makeshift bed. "If you get cold, it's okay to go to the guest room."

"I'd rather freeze than be apart." He dramatically said.

"Remember that when your feet are freezing." I said. "You can borrow my socks if you need."

"I have my own but I won't be sleeping in socks, I'm not a weirdo." He teased.

"That was one time." I defended myself. I was on the verge of catching a cold and it was winter, I was freezing. "And I hate sleeping in socks, you know that."

We laid in silence, letting the tv play but neither of us really watching it. He was on his phone and I was on mine. It's almost midnight one now but I'm not tired. I got a notification from Kevin saying goodnight and I responded back then locked my phone and looked down at Isaac.

He was texting someone too and I wanted to ask if it was Amy but I didn't want to push.

"You and Tommy are so cute together." I teased.

"My other true love." He smirked up at me. "How did you know I was replacing you with him?"

"He can't fill my shoes, he'd never satisfy you like me."

"Obviously not." He played along. "He doesn't have boobs and there's no way I could live without them."

"You're a prick." I tossed one of my extra pillows at him and he blocked it from hitting his face.

"Motorboating your boobs is all I think about, how have you not noticed?" He chuckled. "Are you spying on my texts?"

"No!" I said almost too quickly for it to be true.

"You were..." He smirked and went back to texting whoever he's talking to. His phone is too dim for me to see. "I can always tell when you're lying."

"Not always." I said. He hasn't caught on that I have a crush on him. A really tiny crush but a crush nonetheless. I'll probably get over it soon but I need some time.

"Are you saying you've lied before without me knowing because I don't think so."

"I don't tell you everything. There are things that are strictly against girl code." I said.

"So you and Penny have secrets?" He raised an eyebrow at me and I flushed.

"I have other girl friends."

"You keep secrets from me? Honestly?... Do you really think I'll gossip about it? It's not like I can whisper it in the girl's locker room to someone and start a riot. Tell me." He sat up and so did I.

Harry Styles Darcy Imagines Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now