18 Years

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Darcy's Pov

I may be grounded and a little mad at my parents for "forbidding" from seeing Kevin but, it's their anniversary and I love them and 18 years is a really long time to put up with someone so, I woke up a little earlier than I usually do and snuck out to get them flowers.

Once I signed my name on the card and dragged my brother's out of bed to do the same, we all delivered it to their bedroom together, making sure to knock because- there's been close calls in the past.

Dad opened the door in his robe and mum was stepping out of the bathroom in hers.

"To who do we owe the pleasure of all of you being up before 10?" He smiled.

"Darcy." Edward groaned and rubbed his eyes before yawning again.

"We wanted to surprise you two and say,"

"Happy anniversary." We all three said in sync.

"That's so sweet." Dad smiled and took the flowers from us. "Why didn't anyone wake up Ava?"

"And deal with her grumpiness?" Ethan frowned. "Can I go back to sleep now?" He yawned.

"Sure but we're all leaving for brunch at 11:30 so dress nicely please." Mum said and Edward and Ethan groaned as they made their way back to bed.

"Thank you sweetheart." Dad pulled me in for a hug and kissed my forehead. "Later tonight Gemma is coming to babysit-"

"I don't need a babysitter." I groaned.

"I know but it makes mum and I feel a lot better knowing there's an adult here with you guys." He said. "It will just be for a few hours and you know your aunt, she'll probably build a giant fort with you guys in the living room and you won't even feel like you're being babysat."

"Yeah, I guess." I mumbled.

"That's my girl." He gently patted my head then shoed me out.

It's barely 9 and I don't plan on going back to sleep so I guess I can go out for a morning run. I want to get in better shape and the weather is nice today.

I changed into my workout clothes and went around the block a few times until I was exhausted and ran out of water.

I entered the house again and went up to my room to take a shower. When I finished it was a little after 10 and I have no idea what to wear to brunch or how I'm going to tame my mane for the day so I should get started on my look.

I was looking over every item of clothing hanging up when my door was pushed open and Ava came in to sit on my bed.

"Hi Darcie." She smiled at me before getting comfortable against my pillow and playing on her ipad.

"Hi Avie." I kept looking over my outfits until I found a cute blouse and pants to wear. I slipped out of my robe and put my underwear on but didn't get a chance to put on my top when my door flew open and in came my dad.

"Ava, I told you, no ipad until we get back." He said.

"Dad!" I squealed, holding my shirt to my chest to cover up as much as possible.

He took the ipad from her and she whined, "What?"

"Can you knock next time?"

"Sorry, sorry, I saw nothing." He quickly left and closed the door.

"That's not fair." Ava huffed and followed him out but left the door wide open.

I huffed and rushed over to close and lock my bedroom door. I can't believe my dad almost saw me naked.

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