Chapter 7: A Four Story Drop Would Probably Hurt

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Genevieve's POV

I woke up feeling a little disoriented. I had slept well but was completely confused as to where I was. The last thing I remembered was being in Julius's arms on his lap at the park. I had been so tired, I didn't mean to fall asleep. Why was I home? How did I get to my own bed? I still had my clothes on from last night, my shoes and backpack where on the floor next to the bed. I rubbed my eyes to clear the sleep out of them. Nope, still no idea what was going on.

I got up, changed my clothes and used the bathroom before heading downstairs. I went into the kitchen for a glass of water and saw a note by the sink.

Dear Gemma (I heard Sean call you this and I like it!),

You fell asleep not long into the second movie and one of the Coffee Sisters told us not to wake you. She gave Julius a few options of what to do with you and he decided to just bring you home. There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed in my opinion. She gave us directions to your place and told us how to get in. Did you know you only live like 20 minutes from us by car? When driving the speed limit that is. Not sure how long that is in bike speed.

I must say, I love your home. Harry and Charlie had invited me a number of times to visit but it never worked out on my end. I regret not coming her sooner.  I had called Harry earlier because I couldn't remember your name and she told me you were going to be home alone for the next few weeks so I decided to extend an invite to you to my home. If you don't feel like being alone, call or text me or Julius. Don't hesitate, we may live onsite at a training facility but it is the slow right now and you would never be a bother. I can guarantee it. You would be welcomed with open arms. Seriously, just come. Have I gotten through to you yet? I can add more if you need.

Miles was not joking about no one knowing how to cook. It would be fantastic if you did come and help teach some of us how not to burn down a kitchen. It has already almost happened this week. Anything would be better than fast food, cereal, and frozen pizzas. Except maybe brussel sprouts, durian, and lutefisk.

Awaiting your call to come visit,

Minnie Walker (xxx)xxx-xxxx

P.S. I'm pretty positive my brother has a huge, gigantic crush on you. His number is (xxx)xxx-xxxx. He would be super excited if he heard from you. But text me first so I can watch his reaction when he hears from you.

P.S.S. My favorite treat was that Apple Spice Cake you sent with your sisters on one of our away games. Think you might be able to teach me how to make it? Or if you just want to make it, I won't stop you.

I had to smile. And wipe away a tear or two. I was touched by the invite but I still didn't want to he a bother. I'll just go over to help them cook. I don't need to intrude anymore than that.

I'm just fine being home alone. If I keep telling myself that, it will be true.

I could sense a connection with Julius but I couldn't trust that he felt it also. I was probably just a passing fancy. Why would someone that looks like a Roman God want me? I mean I really don't have a lot to offer and I really don't like being away from home. He looks like someone that enjoys getting out and experiencing what the world has to offer.

“Oh hush you. You don't know that. You will never know unless you spend more time with him.” I had to scold myself, too much time alone was making me too negative about anything and everything. Maybe it would be good for me to go.

I rustled around the kitchen for some breakfast and tried to decide what to do for the day. It was raining, so I didn't need to water the garden. Marvin seems to have disappeared again being he wasn't in my bed when I woke up, so cuddling with him was out. I did have a few patterns cut out I could sew up real quick. After those are done I'll be out of material and projects. I wonder if Sean would take me to the fabric store when he takes me out.

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