Chapter 16: Marvin is as Reliable as an Umbrella Full of Holes

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Genevieve's POV

"Are you sure you can wake them up without getting hurt?" Julius asked, concerned.

"Yep," I replied, touched by his concern. "I'd offer to wake them up and do it from outside I but then I would miss the fun of seeing them freak out."

Julius looked at me as if trying to read my mind; Miles and Julia just looked at me, curiosity clear in their eyes. Julia was the first to speak what was all on their minds, "What did you have in mind to wake them up?"

A smile crossed my face as I wiped my hands clean before reaching for my phone off the counter. "Come with me and you shall see."

I led them to the doorway of the living room, stopping as we just entered the room. I turned on my phone and connected to the blue tooth speakers in the room. I whispered to the three, "This is going to be loud, you might want to cover your ears."

I opened up an app and pressed play. Immediately, a loud piercing sound echoed through the room; strangely enough it sounded exactly like the siren from The Purge movies that they play to kick off the start of the event. The ensuing reaction of the sleeping beauties on the floor was totally worth it.

Harrison and Seth both sprung up only to crash into each other and fall down on top of Minnie. Minnie in turn responded by flailing her arms, managing to give both boys the start of a marvelous black eye and a couple of well placed kicks that had them rolling over into the fetal position. As Minnie struggled to gain her footing between the two withering men, she tripped and fell head first over the back of one of the couches.

Our reaction was to be expected; laughter, lots of laughter. I felt tears come to my eyes from the amount of laughing I was doing, Julia seemed to be struggling the same fate. I tried to rein in my laughter as I watched the three of them try to come to their senses. Harrison was the first to recover, it seemed.

"What the hell was that for?!"

I stifled another laughter and collected myself long enough to tell him with a straight face, "Breakfast is ready."

With that I turned around and returned to the kitchen to take the egg bake out of the oven, still giggling. I set it on the counter to cool, it needed to sit a few minutes until I could cut it into pieces.

Pulling out the plates and silverware, I headed over to the table to set it. Julia took the dishes from my hands, "I can do that, you've already cooked so much. Let me set the table."

I shrugged and went to remove the rest of the food from the warming oven and moved it to the serving dishes. The cinnamon rolls were done rising early, which didn't surprise me due to the heat from the ovens, stove and the summer morning. I slid those into the oven I kept on from the egg bake. Once they finished baking and I had frosted them, I'd send them home with Julius and the rest.

Julius appeared by my side and grabbed some food to carry to the table. "Well, I have to say I would never have thought to wake them up that way. Have you done that to someone before?"

"Not me per say," I said with a smile, "Harry and Charlie loved the movies and decided to have the siren as their alarm. Two days of waking up scared to death was enough for them to change their alarm. But I kept it in mind to use on Ally or Emmy if needed."

Julius studied me, again. "I'm not sure if you are an evil genius or just hate your brothers."

I laughed. "I love my brothers, I really do. But there is always a massive prank war going on between me and my siblings, no one really gets hurt but everyone is a target. However, at the end of the day we know we are there for each other. I know they have my back and I have theirs. I just never wanted to burden them with my problems."

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