Chapter 2: I Guess I Could Join You

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Genevieve's POV

I woke up Friday morning after the best sleep I've had since everyone left earlier this week. Sleeping with another body definitely helps. I think the warmth comforts me and lets me know I am not alone. Marvin was almost the perfect sleeping buddy. Except for the fact he stretched out his whole length, in the middle of the bed. I know I have a queen but still, a cat shouldn't take up that much room. But I guess that is a cat for you.

Stretching I got ready for the day, pulling on my garden clothes from yesterday after breakfast. Marvin followed me out to the garden and found a place to fall back asleep. I surveyed the rest of the garden I had left and got to work. I set my alarm for 2 hours again to remind me to take a break and stretch out my muscles. Turning on Queen's Greatest Hits, I let Freddie Mercury and his beats join me as I start pulling weeds.

Hearing the alarm, I stood up to stretch and walk around. The garden was going to need to be watered soon but with rain in the forecast, I was going to wait until tomorrow evening. If it hadn't rained yet I would do it then. The radishes were almost ready to start picking. I planned to try pickling a bunch and see how they turned out. Pinterest was giving me too many ideas. Whatever excess I had from the garden would go to Joe to use.

Deciding to just go ahead and finish the garden, I headed to the next to keep pulling weeds. Noticing that Marvin had moved from his spot, I glanced around for him. Not seeing him anywhere in his usual spots, I looked up into one of the trees near the garden. Yep, there was Marvin perched on a branch with his tail flicking to and fro. He reminded me of a leopard lazing about watching what comes and goes below him. Before digging in, I switched my music to a musical soundtrack playlist I had created; Mamma Mia, Chicago, Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, and Moulin Rouge were some of musicals on the list. It was hours long but always made me smile.

After a few hours I was finally done. I checked my phone and noticed I had missed an email from Emmy seeing if I was free to Skype tonight around 8. Oliver and Max were really missing their aunties. I did the math, Japan was 14 hours ahead of where we live, that would be 10 am their time, tomorrow. Time changes are weird; Friday night here Saturday morning there. I sent a reply letting him know that it would be cutting into my Netflix time but I could make room in my schedule. I am sure that the call isn't just my little monsters wanting to see me but my brothers wanting to check up on me.

I headed into the house to get cleaned up from gardening, eat some lunch, and figure out what I wanted to do for the rest of the day. Looking to Marvin in the tree I asked if he was joining me in the house. All I got was a lazy stare back and a flick of the tail before he shut his eyes. Guess that was my answer.

I showered and got dressed, knee length brown leggings and an olive sleeveless tunic that fell below my bottom. I headed down to make an easy lunch, salad with diced seasoned chicken, hard boiled eggs, cheese, tomatoes, carrots and cucumbers on top with a good helping of dressing on top.

After lunch I flopped down on the couch and debated my options for the afternoon. It was pretty nice out so doing something outside was an option, especially since there was rain coming for the weekend. Laundry and cleaning was also a choice. Honestly, I really wanted to play a game with someone. Cards, board games, I really didn't care. I miss the weekly game nights my family had.

Closing my eyes, I just laid there and listened to the music. The loneliness was starting to settle in and get to me. The silence in the house was starting to get a little unnerving. I had to have music or the TV on for some sense of life around me. I really wish I could call someone to meet up with and hang out. But I wasn't really close enough with anyone that I felt comfortable enough to call up and see if they were free.

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