Chapter 12: It Did Take Me a Bit to Recognize Zac Efron With His Shirt On

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Julius's POV

"Oh my goddess of everything awesome and delicious, this tastes amazing!" Minnie exclaimed as she took her first bite of soup. Well, more like her first bowl; she scarfed it down faster than a cat getting high on catnip. "Gemma, please cook for me again. I don't care about everyone else but your food is my new lifeline. I won't survive without it."

Harrison looked at her in amusement, "Minerva, your desperation is showing."

"It's just a bowl of soup, Minnie," Vivi said with a laugh.

"To you it may be a bowl of soup but to me it is a lifeline." Minnie retorted pointing her spoon at Vivi. "I could feel myself fading away with the junk I had been eating all week. I was having arguments with myself. It was like the voice in my mind was that Katy Perry song."

Cause you're hot then you're cold… You're yes then you're no… You're in then you're out… You're up then you're down… Caesar started singing before I was able to throw up a mental wall to block him out. 

I pushed him out of my mind and slammed the door on him. I can't handle his pop tune singing furry butt right now in my mind. I swear he has the attention span of a goldfish at times. I love my wolf I really do but I swear it is like living with a teenager in my head constantly. I just thank the Goddess no one gets to hear him otherwise my position as Alpha would be challenged. Not that I would lose the position, I understand that Caesar acts this way to get out his stress of being Alpha. He knows when it is time to stop the silliness and step up. 

A hand on my arm brought me out of shutting the wannabe popstar in my head. I looked to see Seth giving me a questioning look. You okay sir?

I will be, just trying to shut out Caesar trying to be a pop star at the moment. He really doesn't have the voice to pull off Katy Perry.

Seth choked on his drink and started coughing. Harrison pounded on his back, "Ya can't die on me little bro, as the oldest I'm supposed to die first!"

Seth smacked his brother up the backside of the head, "I'm fine you dingleberry, it just went down the wrong hole. Besides, we are way to young and handsome to die yet."

"Handsome? By whose definition?" Miles muttered under his breath to his mate while rolling his eyes. Julia smacked his arm and gave him a look that told him to be nice.

Minnie was sitting back in her chair laughing, "They think they are handsome. Sounds like they need a reality check."

Vivi just watched all this with a nostalgic smile on her face. I would apologize for the behavior of my wolves but I have a feeling the antics remind her of her family. I hope we can convince her to come spend the next few weeks at the pack house.

My pondering on how to convince her was interrupted when I noticed grapes flying across the table. Harrison, Seth, and Minnie were flicking grapes at each other with their spoons. Why did my Beta and his brother have to act like toddlers at a time like this? I groaned, ready to try to stop them. Before I could say something, Vivi spoke up to my surprise. 

"Children, if you do not stop flinging food at each other and clean up this mess you will not partake in any dessert or snacks for the night and you will be asked to leave. If you are asked to leave, I will no longer be cooking for you three specifically. Am I clear?" Vivi said in a tone that was steady but held the promise of going through with her threat. She sat in her chair with her hands folded and resting on the table.

Instantly the grapes stopped flying across the table and the three stooges bowed their heads meekly giving a "Yes Ma'am" before getting up to clean up the mess. 

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