Chapter 6: Dude, Julius, Chill

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Julius's POV

Caesar and I were in heaven. The feeling of my mate cuddled up to us on my lap was pure bliss. Genevieve was the perfect fit for my arms, like she was made for them. I glanced down as she cuddled closer, her head on my shoulder. It felt like she was asleep. I kissed the top of her head before turning my focus back to the movie, more like trying to focus on the movie.

My mind kept wandering to what I heard earlier in the diner. I admit, is was a little creepy that I was eavesdropping in on her phone call, but the 'boys’ calling her concerned me. I settled in at the counter on a stool as the others ran home to the pack house.

Genevieve was talking to someone named Emmy that some guy named Marvin showed up after a week. I felt my fists clench instinctively, for being a homebody she knew a number of males it seemed. The tone of her voice got even happier when she got to talking to Max and Ollie. They wanted her to go stay with them. She turned them down gently saying she had to take care of Marvin. She said his name so fondly, my jealousy came forward. I accidently let out another low growl.

“I would calm down if I were you big boy. Your claws are starting to show.” A voice interrupted my thoughts.

I looked down at my hands and saw this was true. I took a deep breath to calm myself and retracted the claws. Looking up I saw a petite older woman in her fifties. Her graying blond hair was pulled back into a simple bun. I eyed her cautiously, she knew I was a werewolf. I tensed waiting to see her next move. This was not my territory so I was limited at what I could do.

“Relax Mr. Wolf. Your safe here as long as you don't cause trouble.” She said and placed a cup of coffee in front of me. I looked at the cup then back at her suspiciously.

She laughed. “I only put coffee in your cup.”

“You seem to have an advantage over me.” I said finally speaking lowly. “Who are you and how do you know what I am.”

She sighed, pulled a ring off one of her fingers and placed it on the counter. My eyes widened as I caught her scent. I whispered softly, “You're a healer witch.”

Healer witches were rare. They tend to keep out of the supernatural world for fear of their powers being exploited. The Council of Beings have them on a list of protected beings. There are other beings on their such as the yeti, phoenix, and jinn. It like their version of the endangered species list. The punishment for doing harm is extremely harsh and those that survive the punishment were never the same.

She nodded putting her ring back on. “Yep and I don't plan on moving anytime soon so we will just keep that between you and me. I trust my secret is safe with you Alpha. I'm Flo.”

“You're the owner.” I said. She nodded. “I'm Julius. How do you known I am an alpha?”

Flo laughed. “The power that radiates from you is more than enough evidence. So what has you so upset?”

“I found my mate today, but I feel like every name that comes out of her mouth is male. It makes me jealous.” I said, feeling the jealousy rise again.

“Oh a mate! How sweet! Where did you meet her?” Flo asked, excitedly.

“Actually, I met her here. She's in your office on a call.” I figured I might as well tell Flo. “It's Genevieve.”

The smile faded from her face as she looked at me, the emotion that replaced it worried me. I felt the air chill. “Julius, I'm going to be honest and upfront with you. I understand the pull of mates and how you are meant to be together. But keep in mind that she has a family she is close, you keep her away from them then you are hurting her. Joe and I view her and her siblings as our own children. We have known them since birth. The staff here sees her as a sister to protect. To her they are family, don't keep her from seeing them, the guys that work her would never see her any other way. She is also human, don't forget that. The ways of our world are unknown to her. I may be a healer but that doesn't mean I haven't picked up a few tricks over the years. I won't hesitate to string you up by your family jewels for all to see if you do anything she doesn't like. Hurt her and the end result will take some time to heal, even with your healing blood.”

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