Chapter 15: Waking Them Up Tends To Be Hazardous To One's Health

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Genevieve's POV

I awoke from one of the best nights' sleeps I have had in a long time. I know I got to bed late but I slept so deep and so well that I felt almost like a new person. I went to stretch but found myself stuck in my position in bed. I shifted to roll onto my back from my side; and looked at what lay behind me. My eyes were met with an extremely well toned, muscular, bronzed from sunlight chest. It was truly a sight to behold, it was as if he was chiseled out of stone, sculpted to perfection. There was a light spattering of chest hair that trailed down into the dark of the covers. I didn't dare to look much closer, as much as I wished to study him like a work of art. I drew my gaze up to see that Julius was in bed with me and holding me close. Those sparks and tingles had returned that I felt when I first held his hand.

I wasn't sure how to react to the fact that I was in bed with him. I vaguely remember asking him to sleep with me. If I am going to sleep like that every night with him in my bed, maybe I need to sleep with him every night. I feel so well rested and full of energy, but I suppose I could stay a bit longer and cuddle here. I closed my eyes and snuggled closer, letting my mind wander off to think about random things.

I opened my eyes and looked back up to him when I felt him try to suppress a chuckle. His crystal eyes started into mine, full of bliss and happiness. He tightened his arms around me giving me a hug before loosening his arms. His voice surrounded me in a warm embrace also, "Good morning, my gem."

"Morning Julius." I replied offering a smile "I don't think I have ever slept so well in such a long time. Thank you."

"No problem, hun," Julius said, "I, myself, slept amazing too. Maybe this should be a regular thing if I am going to sleep so well."

I let out a giggle, "The thought had crossed my mind."

"Well, I'm sure we can figure something out. One should always get a goodnight sleep." Julius said with a light tone, almost jokingly but there was a promise of future nights in his voice.

I felt hopeful for that promise of future nights and it scared me a little, it had been so long that I had hoped for anything really. I was just taking life day by day, there were no wants that were important enough to hope for. I remember as a child, I always wanted to be a mom when I grew up and have a number of kids. I never knew how many I wanted, I just figured that I would know how many when my family felt complete. But as I grew older, I became more withdrawn when out in public, during school. While everyone was making plans for sleepovers, shopping trips, and birthday parties, I was sitting at my desk reading away, secretly wishing someone would invite me, take the time to get to know me, and actually want to spend some time with me.

But it seemed I was not meant to fit in with my fellow peers. Over time I accepted that and aimed my energy into more productive endeavors instead of being sad over the lack of acceptance from my classmates. I may not have had friends but I had my family along with Joe and Flo. I started trying different hobbies and discovered that I loved to sew and create new outfits. I also discovered that I had a love of being in the kitchen, it didn't matter if it was baking or cooking, I love doing it all. I started experimenting more with baking and learned how to make all sorts of different yummies, which led me to helping at the diner. Joe and Flo loved my bakes and were more than happy to let me help with desserts in their diner.

"What are you thinking, little gem?" Julius asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I smiled, "Nothing much, just realizing that with my lack of friends growing up helped me discover my loves of sewing, cooking, and baking. You could add that my love of gardening grew but that was something I started doing with my father when I was still in diapers."

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