Chapter One

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Hey guys! So this is my first fanfiction. The titles kinda weird but you don't have to pay attention to it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it. Now let's get on with the story.


It was a pretty normal day. I was heading to Sophie's house in Havenfield to cheer her up.

I remember that day very clearly. What are you talking about? You may wonder. What story are you talking about? You may ask. Well, my dear friends, I shall tell you.

When Sophie got back from the matchmaker's office, she hailed me and told me everything. When she was finished, she told me about him. She didn't want to tell him because she feared it would hurt his feelings.

"It's ok Sophie," I comforted "you should wait till your ready to face reality. Are you?" I asked.
"N-no." she stuttered.
"Well, then you don't have to," I told her. "Here how about this," I explained "I'll come over tomorrow and we can talk some more. But right now I've gotta go shopping with my mom (Lila) and my dad (Danle). I hope you feel better soon. And remember you don't have to tell him till your ready."
"Ok." She sighed wiping away her tears and ending the call.

And so I am sticking to that promise. That's where I am today. Since I'm coming to talk to her I decided to bring a little something to cheer her up. I baked her Mallowmelt, and I also decided to bake her some chocolate chip muffins cause I know she used to love those. And since I had some time on my hands before I came over I decided to make her a comic. I drew Sophie and some other people. It reads:

Sophie: stand back I'm unmatchable!
Random person: what does unmatchable mean?
Sophie: it means that I am the most powerful elf and that no one matches up to my level of awesomeness.

At the bottom, after I finished the comic I wrote: I hope you enjoyed this and I cheered you up. Your BFF,

I really hope she likes it. As I approach the house, I knock on the door. And to my surprise, Edaline opens it.

"Hey, Aunt Edaline," I say.

    "Oh hey, Olivia. What are you doing here?"

Oh! That reminds me. I forgot to introduce myself to you guys. Hello, my name is Olivia Kendal and I am Sophie's best friend. I have known her my whole life. And I know, I know, you might ask how is that possible? Well, I lived next door to her in the forbidden cities. But that's a story for another day.

"I decided to come to try to cheer up Sophie. Do you know where she is?"

  "Oh yes, she's right upstairs," Edaline explains.

  "Ok, thanks aunt Edaline."

    I head up the stairs to the third floor. Sophie's entire room takes up the whole third floor. I think that's pretty cool. Though she doesn't have as many human things as I do. As I head to her door, I give a quick hello nod to Sandor and the other bodyguards; Tarina, Flori, and Bo. I walk into her room, and to my surprise it's open.


I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! I can't really tell if this is a cliffhanger or not but oh well. See you next time. 👋

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