Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Welcome back you guys! So this book is going to end soon! It's sad but exciting because... drum roll please.. *drum roll* IM CREATING A SECOND BOOK! Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun! Ok so I'm goin to give you a quick summary on the book. So basically Sophie isn't ruled as unmatchable anymore and the whole keeper gang they all have to match up and marry each other. The couples were kinda cute. Anyways onto the story!


Sophie and I woke up the next morning in a great mood. Surprisingly we had both gotten a good sleep.

I crawled out of my sleeping bag and grabbed my bag to get my clothes out. After I had gotten out my clothes, I went into Sophie's bathroom to get changed.

I chose a grey long sleeve tunic with white lace at the top. The tunic reaches about your knees. For my hair I did a braided ponytail. And for make up I just did light and natural.

Olivia's outfit

Olivia's outfit

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Olivia's hair

    When I finished getting dressed I went to go wake Sophie up because she had fallen back asleep

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When I finished getting dressed I went to go wake Sophie up because she had fallen back asleep.

"Sophie wake up its time to get up." I say.

"Nooo." She groans half asleep.

"Fine." I decide as I exit her room and walk down the stairs into the kitchen where Edaline is.

"Good morning Olivia." Edaline says as I walk in.

"Good morning Aunt Edaline." I respond. "I have a question for you."

"Yes, go ahead." She encourages.

"What did you make for breakfast?" I ask.

"I made ripplepuffs (did I spell that right?), and custard bursts and of course Mallowmelt." She says.

"Oh ok. Can you store some of the Mallowmelt away so that Sophie doesn't eat it all. She won't wake up and I think I know how to wake her up." I explain.

"Of course." Edaline says.

"Thanks." I say as I head upstairs.

Once I'm in Sophie's bedroom again, I go over to her sleeping bag and wake her up.

"Sophie come on wake up." I encourage.

"Nooo," Sophie groans.

"Ok then I guess I'll have to eat all the Mallowmelt by myself." I shrug. At this she shoots up and sprints down the stairs. I run after her into the dining room.

As soon as I reach the kitchen the whole plate of Mallowmelt is gone. I laugh and sit down next to Sophie. I grab my plate and put some custard bursts and ripplepuffs on my plate.

"Aunt Edaline, can I have some Mallowmelt please?" I ask calling towards the kitchen.

"Sure thing," Edaline says confirming up a couple of pieces of Mallowmelt on her plate. Sophie looks at me in a shocked face. I shrug, smile and pop a piece into my mouth.

"Mom can I have some more Mallowmelt!" Sophie yells. It's more of a demand than a question though.

"Yes of course Sophie." Edaline says conjuring up the rest of the Mallowmelt.

After we finish our breakfast, we head upstairs for Sophie to get dressed for the day. Sophie picked out a plain red tunic. I insisted it be red. I also insisted on doing her hair. For her hair I did two Dutch braids.

Sophie's outfit

Sophie's outfit

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Sophie's hair

    After we were all finished getting dressed, Sophie and I went outside to callas panakes to just sit and relax

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After we were all finished getting dressed, Sophie and I went outside to callas panakes to just sit and relax.

We talked for a little and one by one our friends started showing up to hang out. The first ones that came we're the Vackers.

"Hi bi," I say hugging Biana while Sophie said hi to Fitz.

"Hi Fitz," I said giving him a hug also. Though it was just a friendly hug Sophie looked a little jealous.

The next person that came was Keefe. Fitz, Biana and Sophie said hi to him first and gave him a hug, (fitz looked a little jealous when Sophie gave Keefe a hug and he hugged back). And then it was my turn.

"Hey Keefe," I said giving him a hug, and then we did our secret handshake. It was pretty complicated to come up with. Fitz looked a bit angry.

"Dude," Fitz Said "Bros before girls." Sophie Biana and I all laughed.

The next person to come was Dex. Sophie and I both hugged and said hi to our cousin, and then Fitz, Biana and said hi to him.

The next person to come was Wylie. We all said hi to him when he arrived.

And the lasts to arrive we're the twins. We all hugged them and said hello. But Tam and Biana took extra time to say hi to eachother and hug each other (Ok I realize this now but just pretend that Tam figures out a way to come back and leave the Neverseen.). We all stoped saying hi to eachother to look and watch Biana hug and talk.

Of course they realized that everyone was watching them and stopped. They both blushed.

"Look we made my brother blush!" Linh said. But that made Biana and Tam blush more.

"Ok you guys what should we do?" I asked shooting Biana the 'your welcome and you owe me' glare.

"Ooh! Ooh! I know let's play truth or dare!" Keefe said "I'll go first." He announced.

"Wait a second," Fitz Said. "What's that?" He wondered aloud pointing to a scroll with the Neverseen seal.

I gulped. Uh- oh.

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