Chapter Eleven

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Fitz pov
    As soon as study hall was over I rushed to the leapmaster to talk to Olivia. But before I could light leap I was stopped by Biana.

    "Where are you going?" Biana asked suspiciously.

    "None of your business, Biana." I told her annoyingly.

    "You know it is Fitz. Mom and dad will be wondering where you are. Plus your never in this much of a hurry." I hate how Biana was making such good points.

    "Fine I'm going to talk to Olivia for Sophie. Happy now?" I asked impatiently.
    "Yes. Completely." Biana giggled leaping to Everglen.
    I rolled my eyes. Sisters. Girls.

    "Lillow." I yelled, and stepped into the light.

    As I glittered into the field, I walked up to the front door and knocked.

    "Oh. Hello Fitz. How may I help you today." Lila asked.

    "I'm here to see Olivia. Do you, uh, know where she is?" I asked politely.

    "Oh yes. She is up on the roof." Lila told me.

    "Thank you." I called heading up the stairs. When I got to the top I spied Olivia in a corner painting on an easel.

    "That Looks nice." I complemented coming up behind her.

    "What do you want?" She asked in a cold voice.

    "I came to talk to you."

    "Why talk to me? Why not go talk to your girlfriend about what she did to me?" She asked in a nasty voice. Not looking up at me once.

    "Listen Olivia," I said, grabbing one of her hands and tilting her chin up so she was forced to look into my eyes. "I'm sorry. I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry I really am. And before you interrupt I would like to say something may I?"

    "I guess." She mumbled not quite meeting my eyes.

    "I would like you and Sophie to make up with each other. And no I'm not saying this for Sophie's benefit. I'm saying it because I'm tired of seeing you and Sophie like this. Plus the dance is coming up and I don't want you both to have a horrible time."

    "Ugh. I've said this before, but I guess I'll say it again. I'm not apologizing to Sophie until she apologizes to me. And I hope she does it sooner than later. I already have my dress and everything picked out for the dance." Olivia admits.

    "I'll try and see what I can do." I promise.


Third person
    "Ya. So are you still mad at me?" Fitz asked.

    "A little. But I can forgive you. For now."


    Olivia gets back to her painting. And Fitz. Well he doesn't seem to leave. He is so interested of what she's painting. Since the sun is setting, Olivia decided to paint the sunset. And Fitz just sat there so distracted in the painting, that he didn't realize what time it was.

    "Olivia, dinners ready!" Lila calls from the dinning room.

    "Coming!" Olivia shouts getting up. "Oh. Your still here. I thought you would've left by now."

    "Oh, uh, sorry. I guess  I just got distracted and lost track of time." Fitz mumbled. "Your paintings really beautiful Olivia."

    "Thanks." Olivia says. "Since your still here, would you like to stay for dinner?"

    "Oh, sure. Why not."

    "Ok. Come on." Olivia says motioning for Fitz to follow her down.

    As Olivia and Fitz enter the dining room, Olivia explains "Mom Fitz is staying for dinner. Do we have anymore plates?"

    "Yes of course." Lila said grabbing another plate of food. "I didn't know you were still here Fitz. Not that we don't mind of course."

    "Who's here?" Danle asks entering the dining  room.

    "Honey, Fitz is staying here for dinner." Lila explains.

    "I didn't know he was coming over today." Danle says eyeing Olivia.

    "Hey! I didn't know either." Olivia says crossing her arms over her chest.

    "Why did you come here anyways Fitz?" Danle asks, narrowing his eyes.

    Man your dad is just like grady. Fitz transmits to Olivia.

    Tell me something I don't know. Olivia responds.

    "I, uh, came here to talk to Olivia.....?" Fitz stutters.

    "What about?" Danle asks.

    "Honey, your pressuring him to much. Quit acting like your brother." Lila interupts.

    "Hey there's nothing wrong with the way Grady acts! And looks after his daughter! I'm just trying to do the same." Danle yells.

    "Dad please calm down." Olivia pleads.

    "Fine. But just because we have a guest." Danle says glaring at Fitz. "We will have a conversation later though, Olivia."

    I'm sorry Fitz.

    About what?

    My dad. He's.... interesting when we have boys over. Olivia says rolling her eyes.

    Oh it's fine. Interesting things seem to happen at your house during dinner. Fitz observes.

    Ya. There's always lots of conversation.

(Time skip to after dinner)

    "Bye Fitz. I hope you make it home safely." Olivia says waving goodbye.

    "Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow right?"

    "Sure. I guess."

    "Ok. Bye. Oh! And I'll talk to Sophie." Fitz says before the light carry's him away.

    Olivia heads back inside up to her room to get changed. When she arrives in her room though, she sees someone sitting on her bed, waiting.

    Oh great. Olivia thinks. This is gonna get interesting.

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