1 - Crush

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Ally had been staring again, every now and then, all throughout class. Sometimes Dani worried that she knew, that she'd figured out how she felt about her. The tiny, paranoid part inside her grew to bursting point whenever Ally fixed her gaze on her. It was terrifying.

She hadn't lingered behind for even a second after the lesson was over. Just bolted straight to the bathroom. Now, she was staring at her own reflection and trying desperately to calm herself down.

Get a grip. She has no idea what's going on. You can keep it all inside of you. Don't mess up your school life.

Her pale hands gripped the sink as her chest tightened. This would be so much easier if Ally wasn't so perfect. Her soft hair, adorably bright eyes and incredible sense of humour made her irresistible. But Ally wasn't gay and she definitely didn't like-


Her voice is perfect too. So gentle. I can practically hear it when I think about her.

"Are you ok?"

Dani's eyes shot open suddenly as she realised Ally was really standing next to her. Her hand was resting on her shoulder and her brow was creased worriedly. "Seriously, you look ill or something."

"I'm....I'm fine," Dani barely managed to say. Her throat was closing in and it felt like the room was too.

"You're crying." Her fingertips moved away from Dani's shoulder and touched her cheek instead. She lightly trailed her thumb under her eye, wiping away a tear that Dani didn't realise was forming.

"I...didn't realise." It wasn't a lie, her body was feeling so overwhelmed.

"You know you can talk to me about anything right? We've been close for years but lately you seem so distant." Her hand was cupping the side of Dani's face now.

"It's not your fault." Dani forced herself to make eye contact.

Maybe I just need something more than a talk

"Then what is it?" She looked down a little and moved just a bit closer. "Because I care about you Dani," she sighed. "Maybe too much. Maybe I'm stupid for worrying but I do it anyway. I'm worried you hate me or will hate me soon. Because something's changed."

Dani tried to protest. "I haven't-"

"No. I have. My feelings have." It was Ally's turn to struggle to meet Dani's eyes. "I know that you're straight but...I've recently realised that I'm not. I've started to like you in a different way and all I could do was look at you and hope you might feel the same way. I know..know that that won't be the case. Now all I want is for you to be okay and not hate me."

"I don't! I could never. I'm the same." Dani's words rushed out of her with the shock. She just couldn't wait any longer and, gently but quickly, leaned in and pressed her lips against Ally's. Her eyes widened with happy surprise but she was only too happy to reciprocate and the girls shared a kiss of love and sheer relief.

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