3 - Breakup

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It was extremely late when Clarissa heard the knock at her door. So much so that she didn't even want to move. Until it came again, more urgently this time. Groaning, she forced herself out of bed and dragged her feet downstairs to open the door.

"Maria? What's wrong?" She stared at her friend who was in tears.

"I finally..finally did it. I ended things with him. I should be happy but..." she sniffled and trailed off into another series of sobs. A wave of reassurance washed over Clarissa as she stepped aside to let Maria in.

Finally. She's away from that monster.

"Come inside and we'll talk about it." Maria nodded and made her way into the living room where she curled up on the couch. Clarissa followed her. "I can't and won't say I'm sorry to see him go." Ricky, Maria's now ex-boyfriend, had been toxic and manipulating her for as long as Clarissa could remember.

"I know and I should be relieved that he's out of my life for good now." Her breath hitched as Clarissa brought over a box of tissues and slipped an arm around her waist.

"So why aren't you?"

"He said that without him I'll be worthless," she choked out between her tears. "That I won't find anyone else to love me and gosh, what if he's right? I'm gonna be so alone now."

"You aren't worthless or unloveable Maria," Clarissa insisted, pulling her a little closer.

I can promise you that. If only you knew how much I cared about you.

"And you're incredibly brave and strong to break up with him," she continued.

"Well, if I'm honest, I nearly didn't have the courage." Maria stared up at her with watery eyes. "But I just kept hoping that there really was someone else out there who could love me. Someone that I could be happy with and who wouldn't just use me." She looked away for a moment to wipe her face. Clarissa's breath had caught in her throat.

Me? Could she possibly mean me?

She had been out as a lesbian for a while now, but she never expected Maria to like girls too. She knew that Maria could easily have not been implying it was her, though. She  was probably imagining it. Taking a deep breath, Maria faced her once again.

"I wouldn't usually do something like this but, as you pointed out, I've already been so confident today. So I'm just gonna go for it." As difficult as it was, Maria looked right into Clarissa's eyes. "I like you. A lot more than just as friends."

She really did mean me?

Clarissa took a moment to process it and had to ask. "Are you sure you aren't just saying that because you're emotional? Confused?"

"No. I promise. I made my mind up beforehand, it's what gave me the final push. Do you...do you feel the same way?" she questioned nervously. Clarissa's cheeks blushed slightly as she nodded.

"I do. I've felt this way for a while. I was so jealous that Ricky got to have you and not me. He didn't even take care of you properly."

"Let's not think about him now." Maria quickly took Clarissa's face in her hands and kept staring into her eyes. "Can I kiss you?" she asked softly. Clarissa answered by closing the space between them and gently kissing Maria's lips. She wiped her tear stained cheek with her thumb before they broke away. They shared a loving stare at one another.

"That was amazing....I-I'm gonna get some snacks and blankets and we can stay here and put a movie on. I'm going to cheer you up," Clarissa promised.

"Don't worry," Maria smiled. "You already have."

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