10 - Morning

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Perched on the edge of the bed, Addie watched as the sunlight glowed through the curtains. Eve shuffled slightly, her body missing the presence of Addie's, and she groaned as she opened her eyes. "What are you doing up so early?" She clumsily reached for the clock on the dresser and checked it. "You woke up before your alarm?"

"It's not like me, I know," Addie admitted. Eve frowned.

"Did something wake you up?"

"I've just been struggling to sleep through recently." Eve sighed and opened her arms.

"Well lay back down. I'll try and help you fall back off again." Addie shook her head.

"Once I'm up, I'm up," she replied firmly. Eve whined.

"Please. You're my entire heat source." She kept her arms extended and began pouting.

"Don't give me that look." Addie tried to look away but Eve was already making puppy eyes at her.

"Just give it a try." Addie knew she couldn't resist.

"Fine. You're just too cute." She pecked Eve's pout and lay back down next to her, nestling into her arms. Eve smiled triumphantly and held her a little tighter.

"Goodnight again Addie."

"Good morning, you mean." Eve let out a sleepy giggle. She buried her head into Addie's neck, who nuzzled her nose against her cheek.

"Sleep well sweetie." They lazily rubbed their ankles against each other until Eve fell back to sleep. Addie, surprisingly, joined her not long after.

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