17 - Studying

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"She's just in her room," May's mum told Anna. She nodded her thanks and hurried upstairs and down the landing to May's bedroom. She hadn't told her she was coming so she hoped it would be a nice surprise. Reaching the door, she frowned as she heard a soft sobbing sound coming from inside.

"May?" Anna no longer felt like bursting into her room

"Anna? What are you doing here?" May's voice was wobbly and muffled.

"I just came to check up on you." When she didn't hear May get up to open the door, she continued. "Can I come in?" Hearing something that sounded reminiscent of a yes, she slowly pushed it open and stepped inside. May was laying face-down on her desk, her hair spilling all over her arms and piles of books. "Oh sweetie, what's the matter?" Anna got closer to her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Nothing. It's stupid really," came her muttered reply.

"I'm sure it's not." Anna delicately moved some hair away from the side of May's face. She could see the side of her tear-stained cheek, one of her eyes which was screwed shut and her nose which scrunched up with a small sniffle. She was still so cute and beautiful, even if it did break Anna's heart to see her so sad. "Please May." May sighed with frustration although it wasn't directed at Anna.

"I've just been so overloaded with school lately. All this homework to do and essays to write. I'm starting to struggle and fall behind and I just feel so...feel so useless," she admitted, her breathing growing more uneven with each sob. Anna thumbed a tear away from her cheek before resting her finger's on May's shoulder.

"You aren't useless. Let me help you with it. Everyone needs that sometimes," she reassured her. May sluggishly lifted her head and sat up with Anna's hand still gently supporting her arm. She wiped the rest of her face with her sleeve and rubbed her neck which felt stiff from being bent over for so long. Anna slid May's notes in front of her.

"Oh don't read them. They're rubbish." Anna opened her mouth to protest but May quickly crumpled them up and threw them away. "Really, I think it's better to just have a fresh start."

So Anna helped her start over. They worked on plans and structures for her essays, picking out examples and Anna was even able to help her go back over some of the content she was having difficulty with. They didn't take all the same subjects but Anna did her best with the ones they did have together. May could gradually feel her burden lifting.

After a few hours, their study session had moved onto May's bed for more comfort. Anna read out the definition from the last revision card and grinned as May answered it correctly. "Well done. Look how much you're improving already." May blushed lightly and shuffled up to Anna, nestling her head into the crook of her neck.

"It's all thanks to you."

"Absolutely not. You've worked so hard." May smiled at her and covered a slight yawn. She snuggled even closer into her.

"Is it late?"

"No it's still quite early. You're just worn out from the studying I think." She nodded and looked up into Anna's eyes.

"Thank you so much for today. I'm so glad I have you. You're so sweet," she whispered. Now Anna was the one flushing pink. She'd had a small crush on May for a while now so her words always had a whole other effect on her. May noticed it and looked down at her lips. "I'm really very grateful." She began to close the gap between their lips and Anna started to feel the softness of May's grazing her own.

"May, sweetheart? I've put out some snacks and drinks for you and Anna. Come down and get them now please." They both froze for a second before nervously giggling.

"Guess that will have to wait for later," May smiled, getting up with a wink.

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