20 - Fight

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First fights are never easy. Especially when you know you're the one in the wrong. Sky remembered, all too well, the bitter words tearing out of her throat and the pained expression that consequently appeared on Leanna's face. The way she'd welled up and tried to defend herself against Sky's accusations. And her retreating back when she finally gave up.

All of this over a piece of jewellery. A necklace, which Sky had last seen around Leanna's neck, that wasn't expensive but held priceless memories. She was convinced that Leanna had lost it but it had simply been mislaid in their living room.

Now she was alone. Her own stubbornness and hot temper had driven the love of her life away. She curled up under a thick blanket on the sofa. There was no way she was getting any sleep tonight though - Leanna was spending the night at a friend's house to avoid being with her and it was impossible to drift off without her loving embrace and goodnight kisses. She was a light sleeper but being in the safety of her girlfriend's arms always helped.

The only good thing about their argument was making up afterwards. Sky's heart had been aching to reunite with Leanna and she felt like she might burst when she finally saw her again. She was at the door the next morning, with shadows under her eyes that were equally as dark as Sky's. Sky was full of apologies and loving words for her girlfriend. She cuddled her and kissed all over her face. She made her mind up, there and then, to treasure their moments together even more.

They decided to have a lazy day in after that. Snuggling on the sofa, watching their favourite shows and enjoying each other's company once again. It was restful, it was cozy and it was perfect.

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