8 - Neighbour

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Tara was furious. Every day for the past week, Emerald had been playing obnoxiously loud music that vibrated through her wall. It distracted her from her studies, deafened her and had even made her lose sleep over it. Emerald obviously didn't care about her many previous complaints but she was so frustrated that she was trying for a final time. Slamming her fist against the door, she almost fell forwards when Emerald opened it so quickly. She had turned the speaker off now and was standing there, smirking.

"It's nice to see you again." Tara gave her a defeated glare.

"I'm sick of coming round here and having to ask you every time! Just stop it!" she snapped.

"Hmm. But I enjoy playing it. I find it quite relaxing," Emerald stated, in the most irritating tone Tara had ever heard.

"Relaxing? How the hell can that relax you? I can barely even hear myself think!" she shouted.

"Well maybe-"

"No! This isn't up for discussion. You are literally ruining my life with this! I'm exhausted being kept up all night. I barely have the energy to stay awake, let alone do my work and write my essays." She was beginning to trail off as her voice cracked and tears formed in her eyes.

Gosh, looking pathetic in front of her is the last thing I wanted.

Feeling afraid that she'd embarrass herself even more, Tara turned to go but a soft hand suddenly clutched hers.

"No, wait. I'm sorry," Emerald sighed. "I never wanted to upset you...at least not this much. I can't really say why I did it - it just sounds dumb. But I promise it's not gonna happen again. And I mean it."

Tara looked back at her with a confused stare. "Now you have to tell me. I deserve an explanation," she sniffed as she freed her fingers to wipe her eyes.

"It's simple really." Emerald pressed her lips together before continuing. "Every time I annoyed you, you came round to see me.
I was desperate to get to know you but I'm not very good at making friends. I thought it would go horribly wrong but at least this way, I was able to talk to you."

For the first time during a visit to Emerald's,
Tara was completely speechless. It was unexpected. It was confusing. It definitely didn't make any sense. "But I...." She attempted to form a sentence. "I thought you hated me."

"How could I hate someone as cute as you?" Emerald booped her cheek with a finger. "I'm sorry again. I hope you'll come to visit me soon." She winked and went back inside. Tara was just left standing there, wondering if she should have slapped her hand away or if she was craving more.

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