12 - Coming Out

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Yasmin looked around the coffee shop. Finally, she spotted Heather sitting at one of the back corner tables. She quickly walked over, a smile on her face although she felt very apprehensive about why Yasmin had wanted her to come here.

'I really need to talk to you. It's serious so please come as soon as you can.'

That's all the text had said. Heather was quick to reassure her when she reached her, though. "You haven't done anything wrong! You don't need to be worried. It's not about us. It's not really about you at all it's just...me. I need to tell you something about me." Yasmin's nerves still weren't soothed too much but she nodded and sat opposite Heather.

For a while, there was almost complete silence. People were quietly chatting around them and workers were busy serving customers but neither of them had said anything. Heather was taking deep breaths and fidgeting with her hands as she struggled to find the words. Yasmin respected her need to take her time. She sat and patiently waited. Finally, Heather spoke.

"Before I say it, this isn't anything new. It's not a phase, I've always felt like this and I don't think it will ever go away. I've come to terms with it now. I've accepted it. And I..." She trailed off, her face screwing up slightly with distress. She was so afraid. Afraid of losing her best friend. Afraid that she might invalidate something so important to her. Afraid that someone might overhear and throw insults at her. Her mind was spinning but she had to do it. There was no going back now.

"I'm a lesbian."

And then she felt free. She'd been let out from a cage that didn't even exist anymore. Too anxious to wait for Yasmin's response, Heather started crying tears of relief. But Yasmin was giving her a soft smile.

"That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you Heather. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you couldn't tell me." Heather shook her head quickly and the tears kept spilling.

"No! It was totally on me. I know it's probably stupid." She sniffled and Yasmin took a tissue out of a packet in her bag.

"It's not stupid at all." She went round to Heather and handed it to her. Heather dried her eyes and Yasmin wrapped her in a gentle embrace. "I'm still here for you. I'm always going to be here. I know it's going to be hard at times but I want to support you as best as I can. You'll always be my best friend Heather. And I love you."

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