22 - Puppy

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Andrea giggled as the tiny puppy licked her cheek. "How can you not like him Kristen? He's adorable."

"I'm just not really a dog person." She grimaced as the labrador moved on to licking Andrea's lips. "Don't you find that disgusting?" Andrea continued to laugh as she moved the puppy gently back to one side so she could talk.

"No. They're just like little kisses." She stroked the puppy's head with a finger. "And he has a name. It's Cody."

"Absolutely not!" Andrea looked at her confused.


"Don't name him," Kristen groaned. "That means you're attached to him and we aren't going to keep him."

"What?" Andrea asked again, sadly this time and she began to pout. "But Mark's dog had such a big litter and he offered to let me have this cutie. Provided you're okay with it..." She trailed off listlessly. "Which clearly you aren't," she muttered. Kristen tried not to give in to Andrea's misery.

"I don't see why you would want one. They're so messy and unhygienic. You constantly have to walk them. And they smell." She wrinkled her nose up.

"Fine. I know I'm not gonna get my own way this time." Andrea lowered Cody onto her lap but he leapt off onto the sofa and chewed the corner of one of the cushions.

"Andrea!" Kristen hissed.

"What?! You were never this bothered about the furniture before." Andrea did attempt to remove it from Cody's mouth though.

"I just can't stand dogs. When I was younger, I was playing at the park and a big one came and jumped on me. I got knocked over and I just remember it being in my face while I tried to wriggle away. I was terrified." Kristen shuddered.

"Oh baby, it wasn't trying to hurt you. It probably just wanted to play. Like Cody here is doing," she cooed as she finally managed to retrieve the cushion from his mouth. He turned his attention to Kristen.

"It still traumatised me." She tried to shuffle away as Cody sniffed at her leg.

"Sweetie he's not going to hurt you." Kristen found herself cornered at the end of the sofa and Cody stretched out a paw and placed it on her thigh. He snuffled her again before clambering onto her, licking and nuzzling at her face. Kristen couldn't help but giggle.

"It does tickle." She didn't want to admit it but she was starting to warm up to Cody. Especially when she saw how happy he had made Andrea. Andrea's heart was glowing too as she watched her girlfriend with the puppy.

"Maybe you could...reconsider?" she asked hopefully. Kristen stared at the small dog, at his golden fur and large dark eyes. He was adorable and, while he wouldn't stay this size forever, she would be able to gradually adjust while he grew.

"Fine. We're going to need to go out and buy pet supplies now. Food, toys, a bed. And don't even think about bringing home any more animals while we're there."

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