27 - Movie

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"I wish you had told me this was going to be a horror movie." Lara had flinched about a hundred times already and they were only halfway through it.

"You said you were fine with anything," Ivy pointed out. "Why, are you scared? I thought you were just jumpy," she teased.

"I am just-" Lara winced at the gory scene that was being shown on the screen and turned away quickly. She accidentally face planted Ivy's shoulder who subsequently smirked.

"You okay there?"

"No. I hit my head." Her voice was muffled by Ivy's sleeve. Ivy giggled quietly.

"My shoulder isn't that hard. We can leave if you want to."

"No. I'm enjoying it." Lara slowly looked back up at the movie with just her eyes. She lifted her head back up when she saw it had settled down and got comfy in her seat once more. Ivy sipped her drink through a straw and focused more on Lara than the movie. She was beginning to feel a little protective of the nervous girl sitting next to her. Lara munched on their shared popcorn, chewing as quietly as possible to minimise disturbing the others.

Another particularly bloody scene came on and Lara immediately took her hand out of the bucket. "Suddenly I don't want any more." Her voice was barely audible at this point.

"Ok, you're clearly hating this. Lets get out of here and do something else," Ivy whispered.

"No. It's a waste of a money and you're having a good time." Lara continued to be stubborn but Ivy wasn't having it.

"I'm not. I'm worrying about you too much. How are you feeling?"

"Well...not good. Sick if i'm honest. And extremely paranoid." There wasn't much light but Ivy could make out her eyes darting around and the horrified expression on her face.

"Come on." Ivy took her hand and stood up, joined quickly by Lara. She gently pulled her down the row, murmuring apologies to everyone who they were climbing over and standing in front of, until they'd descended down the dark stairs and left the theatre.

"Thanks." Lara looked embarrassed.

"Why would you say you're happy to watch anything when you clearly hate horrors?" Ivy asked her.

"Well...why would you pick a horror for a date? I thought you'd go with a romance or something."

"Horrors give the best opportunities for snuggling." Ivy winked at her. Lara blushed even harder.

"Well I'll happily cuddle up to you." She looked at the various food places across the road. "I'd just much rather it was in a booth at one of those restaurants."

"Sounds perfect." Ivy slid her arm round her, relieved her appetite had come back, and didn't stop rubbing Lara's back until they were seated.

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