13 - Sketches

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A/N - I didn't manage to get these finished before Pride Month was over but I'll be publishing the rest over the next few days!

Nicky knew she'd chosen the perfect model. She'd been running low on art inspiration for a while now, but there was no better motivation than drawing the most beautiful girl in the world. Her girlfriend, Hope.

Hope had been sitting beautifully still for a while now. Nicky admired her patience as she continued to sketch her. Her pencil traced Hope's jawline, her thick eyelashes and each and every strand of her hair. A frown lightly warped her features though, as she stared at what she'd just drawn.

"Is everything alright?" Hope tried not to move her face too much as she spoke. She didn't want Nicky to mess up because of her.

"It's fine. I thought I'd finished but...something just seems to be missing." She temporarily put her art equipment down and massaged her temples. She'd been drawing non-stop for a while now and her muscles were beginning to ache, as well as her head. Hope was beginning to feel stiff too.

"Why don't you take a break?" When she received nothing more than a sigh from Nicky, she tried again. "You know, I could use one too." Nicky was a lot quicker to give in that time. She nodded carefully and sprawled out a little, leaning against the back of her chair. Hope made her way over to her and picked up the sketchbook.

"No!" Nicky tried to protest. "It's not ready!" Hope was staring at it with wide eyes though.

"It looks...exactly like me. Better, even. You've made me look gorgeous." She smiled down at Nicky. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with it."

"There's everything wrong with it. I just wanna rip it up and start over," Nicky complained. Hope clutched the drawing protectively to her chest.

"Definitely not. I'd be really upset and you don't want that...do you?" Running a hand through her hair, Nicky shook her head.

"Of course not." She inwardly cursed herself for giving in to the guilt trip. Hope was just too cute. Her girlfriend took one of her arms away from the book and slid it behind Nicky's shoulders instead. Delicately settling on her lap, she looked right into Nicky's eyes.

"I love you. You're incredibly talented and I wish you'd see that." Placing the book back on the table, she carefully circled her arms around Nicky's neck. Hope lightly pecked her lips before giving her a few longer kisses. Nicky melted into them, living for the feeling of Hope's glossy lips against her own. She broke away with a sudden gasp.

"That's it. There's something I need to add." She turned back to her sketch and picked up an eraser. It met the paper and softly rubbed away at the drawing's lips until they looked bright and shiny. "That's perfect." Hope looked at her bewildered.

"Seriously? I can barely tell the difference."

"Well I can," Nicky insisted. "It looks much better now." Hope rolled her eyes and left Nicky's lap, holding onto her hand instead.

"You're far too much of a perfectionist. Come on, let's get dinner."

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