4 - Cooking

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"It's just homemade pizza. How hard can it be?" Tori sighed in frustration. Bella giggled and wiped some flour off of Tori's nose with her finger.

"More difficult than we expected, apparently"

"At least we got the dough done." Bella looked at it.

"Shouldn't it actually be flatter than this?"

"I think this is the best we're gonna get," Tori said, resignedly. She glanced back at the recipe. "Lets just put the sauce on."

"Got it." Bella took out the jar and began spooning some onto the base. Leaning against the counter, her arm suddenly slipped and she spilt some down Tori's shirt.

"You idiot!" she squealed but Bella just giggled.

"Going to take it off for me hmm?" she smirked and trailed her fingernail down Tori's chest. Tori quickly grabbed her hand.

"No! Enough. I want us to finish making this so we actually have something for lunch today." Bella pouted.

"You're no fun." Tori ignored her and snatched the spoon off her, spreading the sauce out. She added some grated cheese and decided they were finished.

"That's it. No more toppings. I just wanna be able to eat this as soon as possible." She rushed over to put in the oven.

"Now can we have some fun while we wait?" Bella asked after she was done.

"I suppose so."


The girls were making out on the couch when Tori broke away and wrinkled her nose. "What now?" Bella whined.

"Can you smell burning?" Tori sniffed the air. "Oh god, we definitely left the pizza in for too long!" She jumped up from the sofa and ran into the kitchen. A grumpy Bella slowly followed after her.

"Maybe you just imagined it from worrying? I swear we weren't that long-" She froze as she saw the burnt remains of their meal, which Tori had now retrieved for the oven. "Okay...maybe you were right. Let's just order a takeaway?"


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