7 - Rain

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"Ok, my feet are dead. How are you still going when you did all that in heels?"

"I just go on a lot more shopping sprees than you do. I'm used to it," Sara laughed as they walked. Ella was clearly struggling at this point.

"Or maybe it's because I'm carrying ten times as many bags as you," Ella complained.

"Don't be overdramatic. You're not-" Sara suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"What?" Sara didn't respond. "Seriously what? Did you see something?"

"No. I think I felt a spot of rain," Sara replied after a moment. Ella rolled her eyes.

"Oh wow Sara, now who's being overdramatic?!"

"This is serious Ella! I need to look half decent if we're still going out for dinner tonight," she whined. A few more droplets fell on her and Ella felt them too this time.

"Ok, if we're quick maybe we can find somewhere undercover," Ella said as she quickly scanned the area. The rain began coming down harder.

"Hurry up! I must already look like a mess," Sara whimpered.

"Just calm down." Ella's eyes fell on a nearby bus shelter. "Right. Come on," she said quickly, grabbing Sara's hand and running towards it.

"Are you trying to make me fall over? I'm in heels!" Sara protested as she attempted to keep up.

"You were the one rushing me!" Sara did slow down though.

By the time they had made it to cover, they were both soaking wet. They stood there, silent and moody for a moment. Ella looked around at the grey buildings and the puddles on the street while Sara squeezed the ends of her hair out. "Come on." Ella gently placed a hand on her damp shoulder. "Let's not let this ruin the lovely day we've had."

"But what about tonight?"

"You still look beautiful." Sara shot her an icy glare.

"I look like a drowned rat." Ella giggled.

"A beautiful one." Sara's features didn't show any signs of softening so Ella tried again. "Look why don't we just cancel the reservations and have a night in? We can order food and watch a movie at home."

"Well it's not exactly the fancy date I was hoping for..." Sara shivered and frowned before sighing. "Fine."

"Great." Ella stood up on tiptoes and pecked her lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," Sara mumbled. The rain had cleared a little and a rainbow had started to form. "Oh wow. Coincidence?"

"No," Ella giggled. "We definitely made that happen."

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