11 - Jealousy

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Sophia gave her a death stare. "You know what I think? You're a-"

"Okay!" Maya grabbed her hand quickly. "I need to talk to you for a second." She shot Grace an apologetic look, before dragging Sophia into a quieter corner of the clothes shop. "What is going on with you?"

"Don't act oblivious. Grace has clearly been flirting with you since this morning!" Sophia snapped.

"What? Don't be silly. She's acting normal. At least...I haven't picked up on anything." Maya cast her mind back.

"Oh great! So she's always trying to steal you from me?" Sophia rolled her eyes and huffed. "I'm going home."

"Don't do that. I really wanted my best friend and my girlfriend to get along," Maya whined.

"If she'd keep her hands and eyes off of your body, maybe we would!" she retorted.

"Just give it one more try? For me?" Maya stared at her with those huge, blue eyes. Sophia couldn't resist.

"Fine." She scowled nonetheless.

"Thank you." Maya flicked the tip of her nose and walked back over to Grace. Rubbing it with annoyance, Sophia followed her. Grace's face broke out into a smile upon seeing them return.

"Is everything alright?"

"Wonderful. Just wonderful," Sophia replied with a deadpan tone. Maya thought about discreetly nudging Sophia's side, in a warning way, but she feared it would only increase her anger.

"Have we all got something to try on?" Maya asked. It was a hasty attempt to change the subject.

"No. And I don't plan to get anything either. I'll just wait outside." Sophia crossed her arms across her chest. Maya opened her mouth to try and change her mind but Grace quickly interjected.

"That's fine. Come on Maya." She tugged her in the direction of the changing rooms.

While the girls got dressed in their outfits, Sophia slumped on a chair outside. She rested her chin in her hands and thought miserably about how Maya hadn't believed her about Grace. She knew she hadn't just been imagining Grace's attraction to her girlfriend.

Grace had just finished changing into a form-fitting black dress. She admired her reflection and tried but failed to pull up the zip at the back. A slight smirk appeared at her lips. "Maya? Can I come in for a second?" Maya had just finished putting her dress on too.

"Yes!" Grace gently pulled back the curtain and faced her back to Maya.

"I just need help with this zip." Maya obliged and smiled.

"You look beautiful in it." Grace turned back to look at her, the smirk reappearing.

Sophia checked the time on her phone and groaned to see that only a couple of minutes had passed. She hoped they'd hurry up. "Grace no! I'm not interested in you like that!" she heard. Looking up, Sophia wondered if she was mistaken.

Probably just worrying over nothing again. At least, that's what Maya thinks.

Grace left Maya's changing room quickly, quite flustered and embarrassed. Maya rushed to get redressed in her own clothes and hurried out to see Sophia. "We're going home. Right now." She kept walking hurriedly.

"Maya what happened? Did Grace...?" Sophia stood up.

"I don't think we should talk about it." Maya didn't slow down. Sophia stood in front of her, taking the clothes out of her hands and placing them on a rack.

"Maya please." She fought down her anger and opened her arms. Maya welled up, snuggling into her chest and clinging to her shirt a little.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have accused you of being paranoid. Grace and I...we've always been affectionate but just friends. At least that's what I thought. I'll never see her again. I promise!" Resisting the urge to walk back in there and slap Grace, Sophia pressed a kiss into Maya's hair instead.

"Come on. Let's just go home."

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