16 - Caught

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Brianna was fidgeting with her hands, sitting at the edge of her chair. Her girlfriend had been eyeing her suggestively throughout English class. It was impossible to concentrate on the work and now Brianna was just dying for the lesson to be over, her lips aching to feel Kay's pressed against them. The second they were dismissed, Brianna rushed over to her as Kay was still packing her things. "Hurry up," she whispered, pleadingly.

"Someone is eager," Kay whispered back and giggled softly.

"I saw the way you were looking at me. You were doing it on purpose," Brianna whined quietly.

"Maybe," Kay smirked. She threw her backpack over her shoulder and took Brianna's hand. "Bathroom?"

"Definitely." As the girls left the classroom, a fellow student was watching them from a distance. Gwen had noticed how close Kay and Brianna had been recently, how they'd always stare at each other across rooms and then hurry off together at the end of the day. She couldn't help but feel curious.

"We'll go to the ones near the science classrooms. They'll be the emptiest right now," Brianna concluded as they kept walking. They had to trek nearly halfway across the school but Kay didn't mind with Brianna's company, although she was much more impatient to get there. Watching them from a distance, Gwen slowly began to follow them.

After a rushed journey through corridors and down stairs, the girls finally came to the end of it. Kay quickly scanned the other cubicles. All of them were unlocked and empty. They were alone. "Okay baby. We're safe," she smiled.

"Perfect." Brianna walked over to her and cupped her face gently. She began to kiss Kay's lips, lightly at first but quickly increasing in her affection. She'd missed this so badly.

Opening the main door just a crack, Gwen witnessed what was happening with shock. She'd suspected all kinds of things. Perhaps the girls were hiding to smoke or drink or do something else that was against the rules. It never crossed her mind that they might be lesbians. Brianna opened her eyes briefly, as she circled her arms around Kay's neck and played with her hair, but froze when she caught sight of Gwen. Gwen tried to step back and quickly close the door but it was too late.

"What the hell? Were you spying on us?!" Brianna's tone was more fearful than angry.

"What?" Kay spun round and noticed her too. She looked back at Brianna with a panicked expression on her face. "Babe this can't happen. I told you we had to stay a secret," she said, her words rushing out of her.

"I know, I know. Kay shh please." Brianna pulled her close, tangling her fingers deeper into her hair and attempted to calm her down. Kay just began to cry silently into her shoulder. Gwen looked confused.

"What's the matter? What's so bad about me knowing?" Brianna bit her lip as she looked over at her.

"Kay's family are extremely homophobic. If word got around to them, lets just say it would be bad news. Maybe even for me too."

"I could get kicked out of my house." Kay wiped under her eyes and tried to stop any more tears from forming.

"I'm so sorry," Gwen frowned. "I had no idea that things were so hard for you."

"Yeah...so please don't tell anyone about us," Brianna begged. "We know we need to be more careful in future. Just please, don't even let one person in on this. I want to keep loving Kay as my secret girlfriend until we can safely love each other publicly." She paused to peck Kay's lips and check if she had stopped crying. Gwen had been silent to let her speak but nodded.

"Of course. I'll keep it to myself. I'm not some heartless monster," she promised. "I shouldn't have come after you both anyway. I was just being nosy."

Brianna privately agreed that she should have minded her own business but she definitely wasn't going to say anything. Not after Gwen had agreed to not expose them.

"Anyway, I'll..be going now. I really do wish the best for both of you." Brianna gave her a small smile and a nod as she left the building. Fears and tension were left hanging over the girlfriends as they stayed in their embrace and wished for the day when they could publicly be a couple.

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