30 - Proposal

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Alexis was sitting opposite Esme in a vintage American-Italian restaurant, near the city centre. It was a huge night for her. If it all went well, it was for both of them. They'd shared an evening of laughter, as well as a large pizza, and they were nearing the end of their night together. Alexis knew that she had to take the chance now.

Esme was gazing around at the russet interior and elegant lighting. Her fingernail lightly ran around the rim of her glass. Alexis nervously cleared her throat. "Esme? I have something I wanted to ask you." Her girlfriend looked at her with a smile.

"What is it?" Alexis reached into her pocket and traced her thumb over the velvet box.

"I have something I need to ask you. I've been waiting for this for a long time. So I want you to make sure you answer carefully and go with your heart ok?" Esme frowned a little but nodded, her heart beginning to pound. Was Alexis about to ask her the question of a lifetime?

Her girlfriend left her seat and walked round to the side of the table. Inhaling deeply, she crouched down until she was on one knee. Esme could feel herself welling up already.

"Esme? Will you be my wife?" The tears started flowing now as she nodded.

"Yes. Of course I will. I don't need to think about that, I've always known you're the one for me Alexis." Alexis was crying silently too now as the people surrounding them were clapping and cheering for them. She knew Esme would like something public. She slipped the ring onto her now-fiancée's finger and they shared a kiss, as they would share the rest of their lives together.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading if you've gotten to this point! I'd originally planned to do these only during June but life got super busy so I ended up doing them through July as well. But I finally made it to 30. I hope these past two months have treated you all well. I had my 18th Birthday and went to my very first Pride parade on the same day! Please remember to leave votes and comments on the ones you enjoyed. Sending you all lots of love - Chloe

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