19 - Ride

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Gemma was standing up and peering out of the capsule. "The view from up here is stunning!" Alicia's stomach lurched at the thought.

"Please sit down and stop rocking it," she complained. They were riding a ferris wheel, inside one of the cars that were closest to the top.

"It's perfectly safe," Gemma insisted. "Just have a look. We're nearly at the highest point and you don't want to miss out."

"Oh I gladly will," Alicia retorted. She stared down at her pale, shaky hands and tried to focus on anything other than the great height they were at. Her girlfriend wasn't helping the situation in the slightest.

"All the people and buildings are so tiny from up here. It's weird to think that we're the same size, really."

"You'll find out soon enough if I throw you off of this ride," she mumbled. Gemma heard her and laughed.

"My gosh, you are in a mood today."

"I wonder why." Alicia's sarcastic response was punctuated with an eye roll. "Now please sit-" She froze as she realised their car had also stopped moving. "Oh my god Gemma! We've broken down," she panicked. Gemma stifled a giggle behind her hand. "I'm serious! There's no way we're getting down alive! Stop being so calm about it!"

"You're the one who needs to stop freaking out!" She came to sit back down and placed a hand on Alicia's shoulder. "They do stop it from time to time to let people enjoy their surroundings."

"No, they should let us get off of here as quickly as possible," she grumbled. "How am I supposed to know about this stuff? I'm not a thrill seeker like you." Gemma was still biting back a grin.

"You are hilarious when you're in a mood. Come on, you can hold my hand until it's over."

Alicia ended up clinging tightly to Gemma's arm until they were finally both on the ground again. She tried to stand up before promptly falling back down. "My legs are too shaky. They feel dead."

"My arm can relate," Gemma replied, rubbing it. Alicia pouted and Gemma sighed. "It's a good thing you're small," she added, helping her up. "Lets go play some games on the stalls. We'll both enjoy that."

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