14 - Beach

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Karina fanned herself irritably. It was a boiling hot day and the sun was scorching her skin. Her girlfriend Jenny, however, was lazing around calmly. Her sunglasses and wide-brimmed hat provided a little protection from the heat but she appeared unfazed either way. Karina shot her a look. "Aren't you overheating? This weather is horrible," she complained.

"I think it's lovely." Jenny noted her distress though. "Why don't you drink some water?"

"I've already gone through two bottles," Karina whined and continued to try and cool herself down. She was beginning to sweat a little and worried about burning.

"Right then." Jenny carefully stood up and extended her hand. "Let's go for a dip in the sea shall we?"

"Anything's better than sunbathing." Karina allowed herself to be helped up from the warm ground. As Jenny rushed towards the water, Karina was suddenly pulled along like a difficult child would be, by their mother while shopping. "Slow down a little," she forced out, breathlessly.

"Alright, if you'd just be a little faster-" Jenny was cut off as she lost her balance and tumbled onto the beach. Karina squealed as she fell on top of her. Staring at her with a shocked expression for a second, Jenny then giggled. "Well at least you had a soft landing."

"I-" Karina was blushing too much to respond.

"Honestly, so did I." Jenny ran her hand through the smooth grains of sand without taking her eyes off of Karina. "And while you're here, if you insist on being so cute." Jenny lightly pressed her lips against Karina's and then smiled. Karina was left struggling to process what just happened.


Did Jenny really just kiss me?

She opened her mouth to say something, when a wave came in and splashed the girls with cold water. She squealed and scrambled to get up but was far too tangled with Karina to do so, leaving both of them to drop back onto the beach in a heap. The moment was gone. For now.

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