5 - Bed

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Ava was watching Vanessa's back as she laid facing the wall. She pulled the blanket tighter around herself.

Maybe I'm not the only one who's freezing.

After a few more moments of shuffling around, Vanessa rolled back over to look at her. "Do you think they have any extra blankets?"

"If you want to get out of bed and ask, be my guest," Ava responded. Vanessa sat up and started to lower the duvet before realising it was decidedly colder out of the bed.  She snuggled back under the covers.

"I'll pass. Are you cold too or is just me? I better not be getting sick," she groaned.

"No, you definitely aren't the only one. I think the hotel heating is too low."

"Or broken." Ava chuckled lightly and nodded in response.

"You might be right V." Vanessa smiled and then shivered just slightly.

"Was that a shiver?" Ava questioned with a light smirk.

"No!" she replied stubbornly. When Ava looked closer, she could see the goosebumps that had risen all over her arms.

"Oh my gosh. It definitely was."

"It wasn't!" Vanessa tried to protest but another shudder cut her off.

"You're so shivery! Why don't you come over here?" Ava suggested, still grinning a little. She slid back and patted the space next to her.

"Share a bed with you?" Vanessa sounded unimpressed but part of her was just longing for some heat. "I mean....you are naturally warmer than me. And we can go back to back."

"Exactly. Gonna take my offer? It's going away soon." Ava kept smoothing the sheets with her hand while looking at her. Unable to resist, Vanessa quickly tiptoed over to Ava's bed and flopped down next to her. "Hi," Ava giggled. Vanessa rolled her eyes and quickly turned over.

"Goodnight," she mumbled.

"Night." Ava was so tired that she fell asleep facing Vanessa's back once again.


Waking up the next morning, the girls found that they were in each others arms. Ava slowly took in Vanessa's smaller form snuggled against hers, who quickly wriggled away. "We never speak of this again."


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