ASEAN was created on August 8, 1967, in Bangkok, Thailand. It was found by five countries which are Singapore, Philipines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.
While the country personifications wait for their Foreign Ministers to finish their meeting. Thailand decided to show them around Bangkok.
Thailand: My Foreign Minister said that we can choose the name for our group, ana~
Philipines: Oh! Oh! We should call it "Five Fantastic Forever"
Indonesia: As much as I like that name, we still accept other countries into this group.
Singapore: It's not a group. It's an association to accelerate the economy growth, social progress, and cultural development in the region throu-
Malaysia: Knock it off. I don't understand those big words that you're saying, Singa.
Singapore: Oh, alright.
Thailand: So what about the name, ana? Does anybody have a suggestion?
Indonesia: We could call it "Forgotten and Unnoticed Countries" *sniff*
Canada: Can I join?
Philipines: Who said that?
Malaysia: Is there a ghost around here?
Canada: *sigh* Unnoticed by the unnoticed
Admin: I feel sad for you. Don't worry. You still have Kumajiro.
Canada: Who are you?
Admin: You don't need to know. I'm just here because I want to.
Canada: Oh, okay.
Admin: Wait. What are you doing here? This is a story about ASEAN.
Canada: Okay, okay. I'll go, now.
Malaysia: Oh, I know! What about "Southeast Asia is more awesome than Prussia"
Prussia in the distance
Prussia: I think someone said they are more awesome than me.
Germany: How tf do you know?
Prussia: I'm alergic to it.
Back to the ASEAN
Singapore: That. Is the greatest name I've ever heard, though I don't think it's a proper name for our association.
Thailand: I know, ana~ We can call it "Association of Southeast Asian Nations"
Singa,Piri,Nesia,Mal: *stares at him*
Philipines: It's a bit long, isn't it?
Malaysia: Ass of Southeast Asian Natio- wait wha?
Indonesia: He said Association, not ass. Don't be stupid.
Malaysia: I'm not stupid! I just didn't really catch what he said.
Indonesia: Oh, really now.
Thailand: Um, so... do you guys agree with the name, ana?
Singapore: It's perfect for our association.
Philipines: Yeah! It's great. Although I much prefer "Southeast Asia is more awesome than Prussia"
Prussia again
Prussia: God effing dammit! Stop insulting me!
Back to ASEAN again
Indonesia: I really like it. And ironically, we can shorten it to ASEAN and we're asians.
Random Stuff With The ASEAN
RandomJust the hetalia ASEAN with Papua New Guinea and Timor messing around. Feel free to ask/dare and request anything! Just keep in mind that there will be slow updates. (Events in the book are mostly over exaggerated and full of fandom stereotypes hah...