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"It was right, even though it felt wrong..."

"Dad I'll be fine! I'm 19 and this move is what's best for me and Amani right now" Robyn said assuringly to her father who wouldn't stop with the dramatics

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"Dad I'll be fine! I'm 19 and this move is what's best for me and Amani right now" Robyn said assuringly to her father who wouldn't stop with the dramatics.

"I know Robyn, it's just hard to see you and my only grandchild up and leave!" He sobbed while hugging her tightly.

"I understand that it's hard but me and Amani have to leave this awful town, I can't raise my baby here and she'll be three in two months and we've yet to hear anything from the devil himself!" She said referring to the father of her young child.

"Robyn, I think you should just contact him! I mean you are staying with his mother and just think about how angry he'll be when he finds out that Amani is his child"

"I will never talk to him again! He doesn't deserve to even see her, no offense but you don't know half the shit he put me through when I was only 17 years old and to top of all of that he denied the fact that I was carrying his child!" She didn't mean to snap on her father but her complicated relationship with Christopher wasn't something she liked to bring up. She quickly apologized to her father and hugged him tightly before going inside to get her daughter.

"Princess, let's go we've got a flight to catch!" She announced to Amani who smiled at the thought of her first plane ride.

She ran into her mother's arms and stated how much she loved her

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She ran into her mother's arms and stated how much she loved her. Robyn couldn't help but tear up thinking about the fact that her precious child would most likely never have a father because of his stubbornness.

"Mama! I ready for airplane now!" Amani giggled holding up her Barbie doll with the brush to match. Robyn chuckled at her daughter's humor before picking up her small body and strapping her into the car seat. The drive to the airport was somewhat stressful as she sat in her thoughts about what could've been.

She hadn't even realized that she was asleep until her father shook her awake, she got out of the car and unstrapped the sleeping toddler before helping get some of her bags inside. Her ears perked up hearing her flight being called over the loudspeaker, she carried Amani to the entrance and took a deep breath before boarding the plane.

Leaning her head against the cold glass window, she held Amani close to her heart before closing her eyes to attempt to get some sleep.

After the flight

Fluttering her eyes open, Robyn couldn't help but smile seeing her daughter peeking up at her through her long black hair. "It's time to get off of the plane now stinka" She informed her daughter. The two walked hand in hand off the plane before going to receive their luggage.

She walked down the long hall of the airport which contained a few cafes and a gift shop. "You want something to eat or do you wanna wait until we get to meme's house?" She asked Amani who twisted her face making her thinking face.

"I want Meme food!" She exclaimed jumping up and down. After picking up Amani and placing her on her shoulders, the two walked down towards the doors and smiled seeing Mama Joyce holding up a decorated sign with both of their names on it followed by the word 'welcome'.

"Oh my! Amani you've gotten so big since the last time I saw you!" The older woman beamed at Amani who jumped into her embrace.

"Robyn, how've you been? It's been forever since I've seen you as well!"

"I've been alright mama, just doing what I can to make sure that my angel has the life she deserves" She hesitated to speak about anything close to him, knowing that it would result in Mama Joyce trying to convince her that he's changed.

"We should get going, I've got dinner started at the house!" Joyce stayed trying to lighten up the mood. She grabbed Amani's hand and led her to the car before strapping her in and putting her luggage in the trunk.

The ride was quiet for the most part until Joyce spoke up. "You know, Robyn he really has changed since then! I think you should give him a chance to at least get to know Amani"

"Mama it's good that he changed and all but I just can't do that, when he left me to deal with pregnancy on my own I didn't know what to do! I stayed up at night hoping that he would come back to me and we could be a family again. I even made sure that when she was old enough that she knew who he was and what he looked like so if he came back she would just know!"

"Who's to say that he won't just show up one day"

"Even if he does, it doesn't matter to me! I am a 19 year old mother, I've been going just fine without him and I don't need him to come back ever!" Joyce sighed before turning her attention back to the road. She loved Robyn like she was her own child but she felt like shit knowing that she would be betraying her only son.

After entering the home and putting all of their clothes away, she decided that while Amani helped Joyce cook that she was in need of a shower. She stripped off her clothes and turned the water to the hottest setting before stepping in and letting the water burn away all of her worries. After washing her body she stepped out and wrapped her body in a towel before going to put on some clothes.

"Mama! I help meme cook food!" Amani giggled showing her mother all the food that she helped prepare.

"It looks delicious baby!" She replied to her overly excited daughter. Sitting down at the table, both women said grace before taking a bite of the food.

"Mama Joyce, this is delicious" She complimented with a wide smile on her face as she ate the food.

After everyone was done eating Robyn decided that it was time for Amani to take a bath and get ready for bed. "Mama, when will I get to see my daddy?" The toddler asked curiously causing a frown to fall upon her mothers face.

"I don't know baby, hopefully soon" She replied hesitantly before continuing to wash up Amani. Picking up her daughter out of the tub she wrapped her small body in a towel and dried her before getting her dressed in her favorite pajamas.

"Goodnight Princess, I love you!"

"I love you too mama, night" Amani yawned out before falling into a deep sleep.

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