I love you - malum

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Calum was twenty two, muscular guy, tall, any persons dream. He'd do anything for Michael to say those three deadly words back. Right now he was getting ready to 'hang out' with him, in other words, let's go dick around for an hour and then fuck. Michael texted him to meet up with him at the music store and they'd go from there. Calum forgot to mention that Michael had a boyfriend. They'd been together since high school. He checked himself out in the mirror and strutted out the door.


Calum saw the familiar car pull up so he made his way out the shop. Michael got out the passengers laughing at something. "Yeah okay I love you babe!" He leaned through the open window and shared a kiss with his boyfriend. "Bye calum!" The tanned boy yelled driving off before he could say anything back. As soon as the car was far enough Michael pulled calum into a kiss. "Missed you so much." Calum smiled as they walked the opposite direction hand in hand. "Hungry? Thought we could go eat something really quickly and then head back to your place." "Yeah okay, sounds good. Whatcha got in mind?" "Let's walk around see what we can find." They stray off into a deli and order some subs and sit down in the farthest table. "You know Michael, you can't keep doing this to him." Michael rolled his eyes wiping his face. "Calum I don't know know what you're issue is he's known you since we started dating he'd never suspect, plus, I'm not breaking up with him me and you are only temporary, you know that." Calum could feel the anger rise up in him. "Michael I love you." "Don't say things you don't mean there's plenty of people for you. How bout Ash aye? Or that dude from your work place. Come on." He frowned rubbing calum's hand across the table. "Whatever. Are you done?" The older boy nodded getting taking a last sip of his drink. They called an Uber to calum's house since they were too lazy to walk. "Why are you cheating on him then? We're nothing alike, other than our skin tone." "Can you just drop it already?! Jesus fuck calum." Calum paid the Uber and then lead Michael up to the all too familiar apartment. "Calum look at me." Calum continued to walk, unlocking the door, and taking off his shoes. "Me and him have just been rocky for some time." "Five months?! I'm no love expert but usually when you're having relationship problems for five months it might be time to cut it!" Michael pressed his lips to calum letting the boy melt into his kiss. "Why are you crying cal?" "Cause I love you! I fell in love with you Michael and if you don't want to break up with Cam then I don't want to continue this or being near you!" The older boy wiped his tears and kissed all over his face and then moved towards his neck leaving a few marks. Calum could never mark michael cause Cam would see them. Things started to get heated and soon calum was naked with Michael's face squished between his thighs, lapping his tongue on his asshole. "Oh fuck mike just like that, keep going, please!" He heard the boy chuckle before coming back up and sucking on his nipples. Calum ground up feeling Michael's dick with his own. Michael went to calum's ears whispering, "so I was thinking about what you said and maybe I should break things off with Cam." He was pumping calum slowly while speaking in his ear. "I'll call him after I'm done fucking you, tell him it's over, that I found someone worth it." "You mean that?" Michael just kissed him before lining himself up and pushing in. Calum could feel the pleasure all throughout his body. "Fuck Mikey I love you." Michael came back up and started thrusting wrapping his hand around calum's neck. "Just like this right? Want me to fuck you till there's tears on your face?" Calum moaned his response going limp in the boys hands. He felt a sharp slap on his face. "Answer me!" "Yes! God fuck you yes!" Michael pulled out tapping the boys hips. "Come on baby ride me." They switched over and Michael let calum do all the work as he sucked new hickeys on calum's already purple neck and chest. "Mikey im close!" Michael started squeezing calum's dick making him go insane. "Come on baby let yourself go. Let me take care of you." Calum took it as a sign and released all over Michael's hand. He continued to ride Michael until he felt the substance shoot inside him. Calum captured Michael's lips in a kiss still rubbing against him. "Are you serious about what you said Michael? Or was that just you in the moment?" Before Michael could say anything his phone rung and he pushed calum off his lap so he could get it. "Hey Cam whats up?" He looked at calum letting his hurt expression go past him. "Yeah Cal and I just finished the movie you can come now." He heard the boy scoff and shuffle through the room.  "Love you too babe see you in a bit." He hung up the phone and then calum spoke. "I don't want to see you anymore michael." "Cal baby-" "No! Don't 'cal baby' me! You know what you're doing and it's upsetting Michael! Just put your clothes on and fix yourself before he gets here. I won't tell him but just don't talk to me anymore." Calum put on his boxers and stepped outside onto his balcony lighting up his smoke. He started crying and he knew Michael could see him but he didn't care anymore. A few minutes went by and he saw Cam's car pull up in front of his building. Calum was in his second smoke when Michael came out to say goodbye. "Calum don't be like this." "Michael it's me or him and right now you're choosing him." "Don't you love me?" "Do you love me!?" Michael flinched. "Get out before he sees us out here." Michael did what he was told. Calum saw him get in the car and kiss the other boy. Calum knew he and Michael would be in the same position next week.

hi this sucked badly but lmk if this smut book should continue pls comment n vote ya !!!

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