mix it up - lashton

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Luke groaned looking down at the stuff laid out in front of it. Ashton had told luke he had a surprise for him when he got home. Luke hoped for food, instead he face to face with panties and a skirt. There was knee high socks and a choker. "Lukey, please, imagine how cute you'd look in this." "Ashton I'm gonna look like a fucking girl!" Ashton rolled his eyes pulling the boys hair back. "Come on Luke." His hair was in a pony tail now. "If you don't like it, we won't do it again." The older man reached for the choker and put it on Luke's neck. "See? You look so pretty baby." Luke shrugged. "I'll leave, and when I come back I want you to have the rest on. Is that okay with you?" "You're lucky I love you Ashton." The older boy grinned kissing his lips. "I love you too Luke."

Luke stared himself down. His hair was still in a pony tail, socks were to his thighs, pink skirt, choker, and the panties. He didn't mind but it all felt so weird to him. He had called for Ashton a few minutes ago and he still hadn't shown up. Ashton didn't leave a shirt out so he just assumed he wanted him shirtless. "Ashton!" He called out again. "Yeah babe! I'm coming give me a second!" Luke rolled his eyes sitting down on the bed. "You know," Ashton yelled, "I can feel your annoyance with me right now." The redhead came into the room, dimples showing while he held a cup of ice. "Baby you look so cute." "I'm uncomfortable, Ashton." It was his turn to roll his eyes. He set the ice down, moving closer to Luke. "I think you look beautiful. Besides, I'll be taking it off of you in a few minutes won't I?" Luke laughed pulling his boyfriend down for a kiss. "What's the ice for?" Ashton shrugged taking off his shirt. "Don't worry about it." He kissed the boy again moving his hands inside the skirt. He rubbed up and down the boys thighs, taking his lips from Luke and towards his neck. He began marking the boy hearing his breath get shaky. "Turn around for me Luke." Luke did what he was told, ass in the air, face to a pillow. Ashton stood up unbuckling his belt. "Gonna fuck you so good, you'll be begging for more tonight." "Oh yeah?" Luke mumbled feeling the bed dip again. "Yeah." He felt the skirt being flipped over his back. "I love your ass." Luke smiled as the boy moved his hands around it. Ashton gave it a slight slap and then kissed both cheeks. "You look so pretty in these panties Luke. You sure you don't like them baby?" He started pulling them down leaving them at Luke's ankles. He spread out the boys cheeks, and began lapping his tongue over the hole. Luke moaned moving his ass back towards Ashton. "Fuck ash, you're so good babe." Ashton got up pressing his boner to Luke's ass. "Look what you do to me Lukey. You look so stunning like this." He thrusted, moaning at the pressure. "Close your eyes Luke." The boy did what he was told. All he heard was the ice and then something cold. "Ash what are you doing?" "Relax babe, if you don't like it just say red, okay?" "Okay." Ashton moved his tongue back to Luke's asshole making him moan. Luke then felt the ice cube near his asshole and then Ashton pushing it in. "Fuck! Ashton oh fuck!" "Is this okay baby? Do you want me to stop?" The ice sat there, melting away, as Ashton jerked Luke off with his other hand. "Please." Luke begged. "Please what baby?" "Please stop." Ashton removed the ice immediately, putting it back in the glass. "I'm sorry." "It's okay, we're just trying right?" Ashton smiled and kissed his lower back. Ashton pulled Luke's panties back up and put his skirt down. "Let me see your beautiful face." Luke turned around, a smile on his face. The pony tail was messed up slightly, his curls all over his face again. The younger boy moved up and began to mouth Ashton's boner. "Can I suck you off ash?" The man nodded letting Luke take his briefs off. He quickly took in the mans length laying both hands on Ashton's thighs. Ashton pulled on his hair lightly moaning out Luke's name. "Fuck luke, how'd I get so lucky with you?" The younger man pulled away jerking him off. "Am I doing good Ash?" Ashton smiled. "You're doing amazing baby. Can you do me a favor?" Luke nodded. "Lay back down and open yourself up. Give me a show Luke." The boy did what he was told and took the lube Ashton handed him. "Can I take the skirt off?" Ashton nodded and undid the zipper himself sliding it off. Luke pushed the panties to the side and put his fingers to use. Immediately, he took two fingers, wanting to speed the process.

"Oh fuck, Ash, fuck, yeah please, just like that." Luke moaned keeping eye contact with the redhead. Ashton jerked himself slowly, not wanting to cum before the real stuff happened. "I wish you could see how fucked you look, Luke." Ashton moved from bed and went his drawer. He came back with a black leather leash and attached it to the choker. "Hope you don't mind, darling." Luke was three fingers in moaning out his boyfriends name. "Please Ashton, fuck, please fuck me." "Alright baby, you know how I like you." The blonde laid on his stomach feeling ashton tug at the leash. "All these new ideas, might as well become an inventor Ashton." The man chuckled and pulled the panties off tossing them behind him. "Just want to try something new with my boy. Is that so wrong?" Ashton poured lube on his dick and then rubbed some on Luke's hole. He pushed in, feeling Luke's tight walls clench around him. Luke sighed clawing at the bed. "Is this okay baby?" Luke only moaned quietly feeling his boyfriend thrust. Ashton held tightly onto Luke pushing his asscheeks apart. "Fuck luke. So fucking good." He pulled on the leash making Luke go up slightly. "Again, do it again, please!" Luke moaned. Ashton tugged on it, making Luke gag slightly. All of this was new to him. He didn't know where Ashton had gotten all these ideas but he didn't mind a single one, except for the ice and skirt. He wouldn't tell him but he enjoyed the underwear and socks. Not to mention this choker was doing its job. "Fuck ash, please harder!" Ashton slapped his ass hard pushing into him. He pulled Luke up pressing him against his chest. He kept thrusting while leaving wet kisses all over his neck and back. A few hickeys here and there. He pulled out and laid back on the bed. "Come on Lukey. Ride me, show me what you've got." The boy nodded getting on top of his boyfriend. "You see how submissive you are? Got you wearing panties and a skirt, a fucking choker on your neck Lucas, might as well call me daddy. Don't you think?" Luke was all the way down after Ashton's speech and began bouncing. "Oh fuck daddy yeah, god just like that." Ashton groaned holding onto the boys hips also thrusting with his movements. "Daddy!" Luke yelled feeling ashtons lips on his nipple. Luke couldn't get enough pushing Ashton's head down. He lightly bit it, making Luke whine loudly. He's so glad Ashtons roommate isn't home right now. Luke was going crazy, one hand on the boys chest and the other on the headboard. He felt amazing. Ashton was the first boyfriend to ever make him feel this way during sex. Ashton sucked on nipple moving over to the other one. "Oh fuck." Luke moaned, dragging out his words. "Oh god Ashton, god baby you're making feel so good. More, give me more!" Luke moaned moving faster. Ashton moved to reach for the ice again. "Ashton-" "Relax babe." He laid an ice cube on the boys nipple making him moan. "Good?" Luke nodded watching in amazement. "How?" Luke huffed out as Ashton lapped his tongue on his nipple. "How what beautiful?" "How do you know this? What made you want to try this?" Ashton blew air on the wrt spot making Luke grip onto his hair. "I don't know." Ashton plopped the cube into his mouth, pulling Luke into a kiss. The ice was in Luke's mouth now, letting Ashton flip them back. Ashton moved fast, Luke's hands on his biceps, one leg around his waist. The redhead tugged at the choker making Luke moan. "I'm so close ashton, please, don't stop." Luke was crying out Ashton's name, tugging at his own dick. "Ash, oh ashton, please oh my god!" "Please what Luke?" "Please, don't stop!" Luke came on his hand, still moving up and down his own cock. Ashton continued thrusting watching his boyfriends face twist with pleasure. His eyes were screwed shut, mouth wide open. "So close Luke. Almost there baby." Minutes later ashton was coming deep inside luke. He collapsed on top of the boy making Luke groan. Ashton kisses the side of his neck, pulling out. "Ashton that was amazing." He huffed out letting the man take of choker off. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Im sorry about the ice and clothes." He kissed his cheek and cleaned Luke up. "I enjoyed everything but the skirt." "So are you gonna start wearing panties around the house now?" "Only if we move in so I don't worry about people seeing me." Ashton laughed, kissing him. "Im sorry if I pushed you tonight." "It's okay Ash, I loved it. Just give me a heads up next time." Ashton gave Luke a shirt and some boxers to lay in and changed himself. "I love you." "I love you too, Ashton. You're the only one who's ever made me orgasm this hard." Ashton winked and laid back down. Luke laughed and then closed his eyes. "Goodnight, love you." "I love you too, princess."

hhh didn't have much lashton so YA

what ships do u enjoy?

this was good?

I enjoyed writing this one.


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