lets get religious - malum

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There michael was, watching as the cute boy picked up after the Sunday class. Michael wasn't religious, but if coming to church on Sunday with his aunt meant he could stare at Calum, then he'd do it. "So Calum, what's it gonna take to have you in my bed?" Calum rolled his eyes. "Come on dude, quit it. That's gay." It was Michael's turn to roll his eyes. "Come on help me so we can go hang out."


They sat across from each other laughing at something michael had said. Their waiter came with the food and set it down with a wink towards Michael. "Oh I'm definitely asking for his number." Calum rolled his eyes again. "Do you flirt with every dude you come across?" "Calm down mr god, he's obviously into me. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I can't believe in god calum." "I'm not saying that, I'm just saying you make me uncomfortable." "Dude can you just eat?" The boy came back to refill the drinks and Michael shot him back a wink. "So when do you leave for vacation?" "Um tomorrow night I think. We'll be gone for two weeks." Michael nodded. "Is it cool if I stay over at your house tonight? I don't wanna hear my mum talk about my packing." The boy nodded again. "Are you mad at me?" "I don't want to make you uncomfortable again." "Michael im sorry. Really, I am, I won't do it again." Michael shrugged taking his last sip. "Come on I told my mum I'd be home before five." Before they left Michael exchanged numbers with the waiter, who's name they found out was Casper, and they were off to Michael's house.


They laid in Michael's bed watching a movie. Every so often Michael would laugh. They were home alone for a couple hours and the only thing Michael had done was text. "You're still texting Casper? Really? Dude I leave for vacation tomorrow. Let's do something!" Michael sighed putting his phone down. "Alright I'll go get us some drinks." Calum heard the boys phone ring and he could help but read it.

No dude, he's so straight. I've given up on him.
I wanna tell him I like him but how? If I do he'd definitely freak. Lol.

Come on! You can't give up you're literally going to church to see him in a suite. LOL

but then again, if me flirting with you made him uncomfortable I'm definitely up for grabs ;)

but also don't give up. You got this!!

Calum sat there in shock. His best friend likes him? No. No he cant, that's gay. He's been sleeping in bed with the person who likes him? Oh my god. Calum heard Michael come back in. He had sodas and two bags of chips. "Um someone texted you." "Must've been Casper. You know I really like him I might ask him out our something." "What?" "I know, that's gay and wrong blah blah, but I'm tired of chasing the person." Calum could feel himself deflate. He wasn't gay so why was he feeling all sad and jealous ? If anything Michael should be angry and upset because his crush has been calling his choices wrong. Michael checked his phone and smiled at what Casper had said. "We should invite lu-" Michael was cut short because Calum had his lips on his. Michael quickly kissed back pushing into the kiss. Calum was the first to pull away. He had wide eyes and was breathing heavily. "Michael I'm so sorry. I saw the texts between you and Casper. I'm sorry." Michael blushed because Calum found out his secret. "So are you kissing me because you feel bad or because you want to? Cause I don't want to force you into anything." "I don't know I kinda liked it." Michael kissed Calum again.


Michael was in between calum's thighs, licking away at the boys hole. Soon after the kiss things got heated and they couldn't help themselves. "Mikey fuck, that feels so good." Michael came back up leaving small kisses all over calum's chest. "Too bad it's gay, huh?" He kissed the crook of calum's neck and then sucked on it lightly. "Am I making you uncomfortable yet?" Calum shook his head no. "I'm sorry Michael, fuck please, I'm sorry." Michaels phone rang again. Casper had texted him four different times during this whole thing.

Super bored, watcha up to?
Are you still with calum?
;) cause I want to get into some fun.
;) let me know what you think.

"For christ's sake Michael turn the ringer off!" "Using the lords name and having gay sex? On the same night?" Michael tsked and looked at what Casper had sent.

yeah, currently with cal.
Text you later.

"What did he say?" Michael didn't want to ruin their mood by saying he'd just gotten an ass pic so he shrugged it off. "Just wants to hang. Come on back to what we were doing." Michael went back to calum's hole licking and teasing it hearing the boy moan. He couldn't believe he had mr christian, god lover, being gay is wrong, laying on his bed while he fucked him with his tongue. "Why are you so skilled at this Michael? Oh my fucking god!" He rubbed the tip of his dick against calum's hole. He could feel the heat coming off of him. He didn't want to go all the way with calum, not tonight anyways, this was his first time with a dude. Probably his first time at all. Calum bucked his hips moving his ass along Michael's dick. They both moaned and he watched as Michael thrusted into his ass. Calum loved all of it. Fuck, he was so confused, but he loved it too much to care. Michael moved one of his hands to calum's dick and began playing with his slit. "Come on cal, cum, can you do that for me?" Calum nodded watching as Michael stopped thrusting and began jacking himself off. All Calum could do was sit back and enjoy. There was too much going on for him. "Kiss me." Calum practically leaped to straddle Michael and kiss him. He ground against the older boy loving how everything felt. He loved Michael's lips, he loved the way michael was making him feel, he loved his hands. Fuck, his hands, so big. Fuck! He loved Michael. His best fucking friend. He pushed everything to the side because he started feeling the warmth in his stomach. He was so close. Michael pulled away from their kiss and began to suck on calum's neck. "Next time, you'll feel me right here, deep in your ass cal." His hand was pressed against calum's stomach. "You'll be moaning mine and gods name. Begging for his forgiveness as I fuck you." Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck why was Michael saying all this? He was moving his hips faster yelling for Michael. "Oh fuck Mike, oh god, please I need more." Michael pumped Calum again. "You'll have me right here cal, I'll fuck you so good. Heaven and hell will hear your moans. Not even the devil will want you when I'm done with you. Come on cal, let it out, cum." Calum burrowed his head in Michael's neck as he felt release all over his best friends hand. He was still grinding over Michael's dick and he soon felt the substance all over his ass. "That was so good, holy fuck." "Nothing about this was holy." Michael laughed pushing the boy off of him. He cleaned them up and then let Calum borrow some clothes. "Don't text Casper anymore." Calum mumbled as Michael big spooned him. "Why not? He's a friend." "He wants you. He cant have you." "For someone who isn't gay, you sure seem jealous." "Michael!" "Okay, I'm sorry. I'm not gonna stop talking to him, he's cool. Plus you know I like you now." Calum stayed quiet for a minute. "It's okay if you don't like me back Calum." They were quiet again. "No Michael, I like you, I like you a lot." Michael smiled and kissed his forehead. "Okay, cool." That was the last thing that was said before both went to bed.

Okay, cool!
What did u think ?
nice? Idk. Currently working on a mashton smut but not coming out very well. Can't figure out how I want them to start having ya know , sex. It's so weird!! But LMK what u think of this one and if u have suggestions!

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