I love you- malum pt2

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Michael hadn't seen his curly haired lover in weeks now. Every time he went on Instagram he'd see a new picture of Calum and his new boyfriend Luke. He and Cameron were only doing worse. "Michael!" "Yes baby?!" "Are you still on your phone? We were supposed to go out remember?" "Oh yeah, I just need to put my shoes on hold on." They were finally on their way to the county fair. Michael hadn't taken his boyfriend out in a while. After the whole thing with Calum he was distracted. He didn't think Calum meant it that time but he seriously ignored him. And then Calum posted that picture of him and Luke kissing it really broke his heart. "Michael are you listening to me?" "Yeah babe, what's up?" "I asked you what you wanted to eat there?" "Corndogs sound good." "You should've invited Calum! I haven't seen him in so long. Why haven't you guys hung out? You used to like, everyday, what happened?" "Oh nothing he's just been too busy." Michael lied. He needed to break up with Cameron. Cameron, his boyfriend of five years? Four maybe? Who knows.
Michael paid their entrance and bought tickets and the boys were on their way. "I'm so glad we're doing this mikey. We haven't gone out in ages!" Michael smiled at the boy and laced their hands together. "Eat first then rides?" Michael nodded letting the boy drag him. "Michael! Oh my god look! It's cal! Hey! Calum!" Michael's heart and smile instantly dropped. His throat felt dry and Cam was now dragging him towards Calum. Luke was there too. "Hi Cam!" Calum said. That was the first time he heard the boys voice. He was cuddled to Luke's side. Michael was nothing compared to Luke. Tall, fit, blonde, blue eyes, and his hair was long and curly. Calum cleared his throat. "Cam this is my boyfriend Luke, Luke this is my friend Michael and his boyfriend, Cam." Luke extended his hand towards Michael and he quickly took it. "I was just telling Michael he should've phoned you." "I changed my number. Wouldn't have worked anyways." "You did?" That was the first thing Michael had said. Calum only nodded. "Okay well I'll let you guys enjoy your date. I know how much Michael enjoys quality time with you, Cam." Calum said looking the blonde in the eyes. They walked away from the two boys and made their way towards the Ferris wheel. "That's good for Calum, don't you think? You always said he was deserving of someone."


"Cam, come sit with me." The boy moved towards his boyfriend sitting on the couch next to him. "What's up baby?" "Cam Im sorry, but I'm breaking up with you." "What? Why? Where's this coming from Michael?" "I cheated on you, multiple times, over and over with Calum. At first it just happened, we were talking and then we kissed, things got heated. Soon after I kept pressing him to keep seeing me. He said no, I begged him, he wanted to tell you but I said no. I didn't want to ruin what we had." Michael was almost in tears, he looked up at the boy who was still sitting there calmly. Silently crying. "How long Michael?" The blonde wiped his eyes. "Six months." Cameron scoffed. "For six months you went behind my back? You cheated on me? I invited him over? We saw him last week!" "I know! I'm so sorry! Calum never wanted it to go for that long! I played him too! He told me he was in love with me. I thought he was crazy." "You have two weeks Michael. In two weeks I want you and your stuff out. Your share of rent and I never want to see you again. I gave you everything I could for five years Michael!" "I understand, cam, I'm sorry. I really am." The blonde wiped his eyes and looked at the brunette. "I'll be out of your hair tonight. If I come back, I'll bunk on the couch." Michael tried giving the boy a smile but he shook his head no. "Just get out, please." Michael got up and got his jacket from the coat hanger. He was on his way the calum's work place. He knew how the boy worked, so if he was right, when he got there Calum would be outback smoking before he left.
After walking a couple blocks, he turned the corner, and there stood Calum. The September air blew, making the kiwi boy shiver. Michael smiled and decided he should speak up. "Cold?" Calum jumped and turned around. "Jesus fucking Christ, you scared me. What are you doing here? Thought I made myself clear Michael." Michael shrugged his jacket off laying it on calum's shoulders. "I broke up with Cam. I also told him everything." Calum finally looked him in the eye. "How'd he take it?" "Better than I expected I guess. Calum, listen, I know it's stupid to come to you now but let's start over." Michael felt a sharp pain on his cheek. "Are you fucking stupid?! Michael I waited on you for months! You knew how much you meant to me! And you're doing this now?!" Michael rubbed his cheek. "I have a boyfriend, I'm not you Michael, I'm not going to cheat on Luke because I'm bored. Fuck you." Calum threw the cigarette on the floor and handed back the leather. He started walking feeling the tears form in his eyes. Michael walked rapidly behind him. "Calum in the past weeks I've lived without you, I've realized so much. I love you Calum. Your personality, the way you look when you wake up in the mornings, your stupid sense of humor, your love for animals, I love seeing you play soccer with your friends, there's so much more Calum. Please Calum." The kiwi boy turned around making them bump chests. Calum slapped the blonde again making him groan. "That's for fucking me over, for fucking Cam over." He then grabbed Michael's face smashing their lips together. Michael was caught off guard, eyes wide open. Quickly, he kissed back putting his hands on calum's waist, with his eyes closed. The kiss was short lived because Calum pulled away. "And that's because I miss you." Michael pulled the boy into a hug. "Calum, I love you, I mean it this time." Calum pushed away. "I have to go home Mike. Luke's supposed to come for dinner. We'll talk more later okay?" Michael nodded. He let the boy go, watching him leave in his car and then he was on his way. Where? He didn't know but he was ecstatic.

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