fuck - cashton

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"And a big fuck you to you!" Ashton yelled to a random person walking the street. He was on his balcony with a cigarette in his lips. He'd just come home to a cheating husband and hadn't bothered to deal with him yet. The woman that was on his now, ex husband, had left minutes ago after ashton walked in on them. James came outside with just his boxers on to talk to him. He placed his hands on Ashton's shoulders looking for words. "Baby-" "No James, forget it, I'll be out of your hair next week. I'll take my shit and go." "Ash it doesn't have to be like this baby, come on." He turned around blowing the smoke in his face." "You know what? Fuck you. You're a shit husband, shit as sex, shit at working, shit at basically everything. You're the fucking worst!" He rubbed the cigarette on the railing and set it in his ear. "I'm gonna go, when I come back I want the sheets changed so I can get some type of sleep." The man followed ashton inside watching him change. His slacks where changed for jeans, his button up for a black muscle shirt, and his tie for a simple necklace. "Can you not stare? I'd say it's flattering but I can't get the image of boobs out of my head." "Come on Ashton! It was only this once!" "I'm supposed to believe that? Really? Next time pandora fucking bills us I'll ask about it so I know when to receive my two hundred dollar bracelet. Fuck You!" The man was already out of the house with keys in hand and the old cigarette lit again.

Breath in and out

He was crying, he was fucking sobbing, he was yelling just sitting there. He had to call someone, but who? He called Michael. "Hey ash what's up." He could hear the laughter on the other side. "Oh no nothing just felt like talking." He said in a fake cheery voice. "Are you sure?" "Yeah I'll let you get back to luke." "Okay man love you!" The line went dead before he could say anything back to his friend. Why was this happening to him? Why now? How long had James been doing this? And with their assistant? Really? "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Ashton yelled for the millionth time today. Fuck this, fuck that, fuck him, fuck her, fuck everything. He drove till he found a club. He sat in the parking lot with tears still coming down his face. "Ashton stop crying it's only ten pm." He got out of the car locking it behind him. "Go in, get loose, have a drink, go back home, pack tomorrow, divorce next week." The word divorce was running through his mind, he really thought James was the one, the one who'd make him happy forever, have his kids, grow old with him. The last five years were wasted wall building, he thought, nothing but a small tiny wall. No house yet. He entered and immediately went to the bar popping a squat next to a tan boy. "What can I get you?" The woman across from him said. "Just a beer would be great." She nodded and ran off. "Came all the way to the club for a beer? Don't know bout you but that's kinda boring to me." Ashton looked over and he basically drooled looking at the man. Tan, curls, tattoos, muscle tee, the slacked pants, fuck , he thought. Ashton extended his hand to shake it. "Ashton." "Nice to meet you, I'm Calum, but most of my friends call me Cal." He shook Ashton's hand and went back to his drink. The woman had set down Ashton's beer and left. "So you waiting for your wife?" Ashton looked at him confused taking a sip of his beer. "I'm sorry?" "The ring on your finger. You know, usually, these guys are real keen about hiding that chunk of metal for the night." Ashton looked at his finger and felt the tears coming back. "Oh this old thing, it should've come off a while ago, guess I'm just used to having it on." "I'm sorry to hear that." Ashton slipped it off tossing it between his hands. "What'd she do? Or what did you do?" "He was fucking our assistant while I stayed back at work. Sucks to suck I guess." "Oh you're gay?" The blonde just nodded lifting the empty glass to signal for another. "I'm sorry to assume." Ashton dismissed him taking another sip. "Not gonna lie, I was very happy to see you sit next to me, but then I saw that ring and thought 'fuck he's straight and married'." Ashton let out a throaty laugh. "Was talking to me a way of flirting?" "I guess so, yeah, I'm not saying we should get out of here and fuck but we should." "It'll take more than sweet talk to get me to go home with you." "Oh yeah? Then tell me, what does Ashton need?" He whispered the last part making him shiver." He felt a hand on his thigh slowly inching up.  "Nothing really, just need to make sure you're no freak who wants to kill me." Calum laughed looking him in the eye. "If I wanted to kill you, I'd have you drugged on your first drink ash." Was that supposed to be funny? He doesn't know but he just smiled. "Come on you follow me home in your car? Or I follow you?" "I don't think you'd want to go back to mine. Still got an ex husband in there." "Right right the cheater?" "How old are you again calum?" "Twenty four. You?" "Thirty four." "Sick I'll be fucking a dilf tonight." Ashton's face went red hoping no one could hear what the boy had said. "So my place? Unless you want your husband to hear how good I fuck you." Ashton like the thought of that. Having James feel the same way he felt. Hearing how someone else could pleasure him the ways he couldn't. "Guess im following you then." They both got up and ashton slapped a crisp fifty to pay for both of them. Both had only had two or three drinks and were perfectly okay to drive.

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