Is it true II - cake

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Calum sat in his bedroom waiting for Luke to send him a text. It was their six month anniversary and Calum couldn't believe it. He remembers his first date with Luke. They went to eat lunch at the diner near their school and then Luke took him home. It was very simple but he loved it. "Calum! Your boyfriends here!" Mali yelled. He heard Luke coming up the stairs while he stomach did flips. His room door opened and it flooded with Lukes cologne. Immediately Luke went to Calum's bed wrapping himself around the smaller boy. "I missed you." Calum laughed taking Luke's hand into his. "I just saw you in school a few hours ago." "Yeah, still missed you though. Are you ready?" Calum nodded and the boys were off.


Luke and Calum held hands as they walked through the light show. "I can't believe I'm celebrating my sixth month anniversary with someone." Calum said leaning into Luke's side. "You say this anniversary, why don't you realize what a gem you are? Any guy would be lucky to be with you." Luke said kissing the side of his head. Calum couldn't believe how lucky he'd gotten with Luke. They still hadn't gone all the way, Calum was still nervous with that aspect, but Luke didn't seem to mind. Sure, he got frustrated when his boyfriend didn't agree to going all the way but he'd wait. "Are you hungry?" "Yeah, where are we going?" "You're literally gonna hate me, my parents are gone for the weekend, so I planned for us to eat some takeout at home and you could sleep over. Is that okay?" Calum rolled his eyes kissing the boy. "Luke that's perfect, I wouldn't want anything more from you." They walked to Luke's car, driving away to the boy's house.
They were sitting in Lukes basement cuddled up on the couch watching a horror movie. They weren't paying attention much as they were making out. Calum moved himself to Luke's lower half and began unbuckling his belt. He pulled Luke's pants all the way done leaving his briefs on. He went back to the boys lap pressing his ass against lukes boner. Their kisses were heavy and Calum was grinding against Luke making them both go crazy over their touches. "Luke." Calum moaned feeling his hands go under his shirt and play with his nipples. "Come on Cal, take your pants off baby." The boy blushed and nodded standing up to take his jeans off, Luke stared at him with a huge smile on his puffed lips. Calum's pants were off and he was back on Luke's lap. He was going crazy just feeling Luke's length on his bum, he wondered what it'd feel like if he actually went all the way. He trusted Luke. Oh fuck it, he thought, they've been together for six months. He's made him wait long enough. Calum pulled away from Luke's kiss looking him dead in the eye. "Luke, I think we should go all the way." He watched his eyes go wide. "Baby are you sure? I don't want you to regret anything or feel like you have to." Calum smiled kissing Luke again. "No Lukey, I really want to, I'm ready." "Let's take it to bed then, I don't want your first time to be on my fucking couch." Calum giggled letting Luke lead him up the stairs. They were finally in Lukes bed and Luke was going through his drawers for something. Calum was laying in his bed, chest rising up and down from how nervous he was. "I only have lube, no condoms, I can check if my parents have any." Luke said giving the boy a frown. He set the small bottle down next to Calum waiting for his answer. "It's my first time Luke, and you haven't cheated on me right?" The blondes eyes went wide. "Oh my god cal I could never do that to do baby." Calum pulled him down for a deep kiss threading his hands into the boys long curls. "Just go in raw before I change my mind then." "Fuck, I love you, I really do." They both took their shirts off and Calum was laying on his back letting Luke pull his boxers off. It was nothing they hadn't done before, except this time luke was about to shove his manhood up his ass. "We've done this part before baby, relax." Calum blushed thinking of all the times Luke has fingered him. It only made him more horny. He felt Luke's long fingers make their way to his hole and he immediately spread himself even more. Luke stared at his boyfriend, eyes closed and mouth wide open enjoying the pleasure he was bringing him. He inserted the second one, moving them in and out slowly. "Is this okay pup?" "It's amazing lukey, more, give me more." He moaned out. Luke was so glad his parents were gone until Sunday night. If things went well tonight he could have a round two with the beautiful boy the next day. Luke was on his third finger and Calum was grinding back on him. "Oh Luke, oh fuck Luke that feels so good." "Just wait till the real action starts." He pulled his fingers out and took his briefs off. He took some lube to, slathered it on himself and positioned himself near Calum. "Are you sure baby?" "Goddammit Luke we already got this far. Just go before I make you jack off instead." Luke let out a chuckle at his boyfriends angry expression and slowly pushed in. Calum let out a huge huff wrapping his arms around lukes neck immediately. "Not so tough now, are you baby?" "God Luke it hurts so much. I don't remember you being this big." Luke scoffed and began moving to ease the boys pain. He was going insane feeling the pressure against his dick. It was the first time he was having sex in months. He hadn't had sex prior to dating Calum and the fact Calum waited six months to let the boy do it was another add on. Calum was moaning now pulling on lukes hair. "Go lukey, please faster." The boy did what he was told and started moving his hips faster watching as Calum crumbled with every move. Calum moved his hands to lukes face, pulling him down to give him a passionate kiss. "Oh god Luke, you feel so good baby." Calum's moans were so pornographic Luke couldn't believe it was his boyfriend. He never acted this way when they did other sexual acts so it obviously meant he was feeling amazing. Lukes moans were music to calum's ears. They were low and short, being low 'ohs' and 'fucks' as well as calum's name. "Fuck Calum, you feel so good baby." "Can I ride you?" Luke quickly nodded pulling out and taking a spot on his bed. He positioned his dick letting Calum start sliding down throwing his head back. "Fucking hell calum, you feel amazing baby." Calum couldn't even speak, Luke was touching different spots, he was on cloud nine. They kissed as Calum ground himself onto the younger boy. "Oh lukey, fuck baby, it feels so good. I'm almost there lukey." Luke moved his lips to calum's neck to leave hickeys everywhere. Calum moaned pressing his entire body to lukes so they could be closer. Luke began meeting the boys movements as he thrusted upwards. He let out the loudest moan yet gripping lukes bicep. "Again Luke! Do it again!" Calum moved lukes hands to his nipples begging the boy to do something. Luke knew what Calum meant, he was near the boys prostrate and he wanted to make his first time good. He began rubbing the boys nipples as he thrusted upwards. "Oh luke! Oh my god I'm gonna cum!" "Is cally gonna cum? Huh? Am I making you feel good? Come on cal, answer me. Do you feel me here?" He pressed a hand to the boys stomach. Calum looked at Luke dead in the eyes, he couldn't believe how dirty Luke was being. He'd never seen this possessive side of his boyfriend. "Come on baby let go, cum untouched, show me how good you can be." Calum put his head in the crook of lukes head and kept bouncing. Soon he coming, his moans loud and clear in Lukes ear. "Oh luke, oh fuck!" Luke gave two more thrusts before coming deep inside Calum. They sat still for a minute, trying to catch up with their breaths. "God Luke, that was amazing. You're the best boyfriend ever." "I'd hope so," the boy mumbled into calum's neck. "I'm the only boyfriend you've ever had." Calum punched Lukes arm. The boys got up and cleaned themselves and Luke gave Calum a shirt he could wear. It basically swallowed him but he enjoyed the sight. They laid in bed, eyes heavy, and tired. "Happy six months Luke, you've made me so happy. I love you." Luke wrapped himself on Calum giving him a kiss on the neck. "I'm so glad you said it back. I thought you were just gonna ignore it. and thank you for the anniversary present, if you know what I mean." Calum rolled his eyes. "My ass hurts, really bad." "Hey you wanted sex, just hoping we can round two tomorrow." "Goodnight Luke!" "Goodnight baby."

Bleh .... k :v

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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