hockey - mashton

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Mr. Sensual, popular guy, Sydney's best hockey player, ladies man, those were a few words to describe Michael Clifford. He was currently on ice going against a team from the states. Everything was going in slow motion, Michael slid against the ice with a man right next to him and fighting for the puck. Michael quickly jammed the guy into the glass scoring the puck. The timer rang and the crowd cheered. The roaring, the loud 'yeahs' from the crowd, and the people. The sea of people cheering Michael on, his teammates all skated towards him surrounding him with pats and chanting his name. "Michael fuck, yes dude! Yes! You've done it, we've done it! We won the championship! The seasons over oh my god!" His buddy Luke yelled. There so much commotion he didn't even realize when he was pulled out of the group by the coach. "Clifford! Holy shit man you killed it!" He looked over at the glass where he'd push the guy into, small amount of blood nothing too bad. "Come on they want to interview you!" Michael nodded taking off his helmet. "Michael! How does it feel? You've just taken your team home! Again! What is this fourth time?!" Michael grinned. "Oh god you don't even know the adrenaline pumped in me right now! I'm so happy we worked hard this season! We didn't start off too great with the whole scandal and then butchers broken leg! But hey! We survived and we won! I'm so great full to have people like them in my team." "That's good! What're your plans now? Seasons over." "Well right now, the team and I are all go get plastered and celebrate. Obviously practice for next season, but definitely relax! I'm getting old man!" The man laughed. "Ok that's all the time we have folks but give a round of applause for the Sydney Emu's!" The crowd ripped into cheers again and Michael was escorted out. They were in the locker room getting ready to go home. One of the guys said his wife had everything set up for them. Half of the guys were married, some were dating, and others were single. Then there was Michael. Everyone knew he was gay, well just his teammates, but no one ever said anything for Michael's sake. His publicist made him go on dates every once in a while, especially around this time, when the season was over and they weren't on tv much. "Hey Rod? I'm gonna go home and clean myself up then I'll see you guys there?" They all chanted yeah and Michael was on his way home. No more tour bus, no more fighting over who was snoring, no more women throwing themselves at them during breaks, just him and his house.

He knocked the door and it was quickly opened. "Well look who it is! The man of the hour! Michael mother fucking Clifford!" They all chanted his name and some of his friends recording for Instagram. "Alright alright calm down. Where's the booze?!" They all laughed and soon the party was in gear. Jason had pulled him aside and began talking. "So mike, you know how you're gay?" Michael laughed lightly holding his beer. "Yeah what about it mate?" "Well Tiana has a friend, his names Ashton, and I don't know maybe you can get at it." He winked before Michael rolled his eyes. "Jas just cause I'm gay doesn't mean I'm gonna go for him, besides, I can get out on my own time." Jason groaned slamming his head on Michael's chest. "Jesus fuck Michael just talk to him! Please? Dude you're twenty eight and haven't been in a relationship since like what? 2014? Come on!" "Alright, alright, what do I get if I 'get at it' and where's ashton anyways? What's he look like." Jason aimed his beer over the the honey blonde with curls. He was a little bit shorter and was wearing a black shirt and jeans. "Okay he's not too bad. But what do I get? After all, I am doing you and Tiana a favor." Jason groaned again. "Mike I'll send all your trophies to be polished. How bout that?" Michael nodded and took a sip of his beer. "Alright, deal. Do you know if he fancies me or are you just trying to set me up?" "Little but of both." "Okay how's my breath smell?" "Dude im not smelling your breath." "So how bout a kiss huh? Luke! Get your phone!" Luke snapped his head and watched as Michael pressed his lips on Jason's. Everyone laughed and Luke posted the small video on Instagram. Ashton watched from a distance as the hockey team made a fool of themselves. He laughed slightly and went back to talking to Tiana. Jason laughed loudly play fighting Michael. "Your breath is terrible by the way!" Michael laughed again watching Jason go back to his wife. He loved his team, and he knew he could be playful with them, no one here felt hatred towards him. He loved it. Shortly after he made his way over to Ashton who was sitting outside drinking a beer. "Hey im Michael, and you are?" Ashton snapped his head up. "Ashton." They shook hands and Michael sat next to him. "Enjoying the party?" "Yeah its okay I guess, glad it's just the team and their loved ones." Michael nodded. "You didn't bring your girlfriend or wife?" "Oh no I don't have either." "Oh." "Yep." Everyone was inside yelling and laughing. "I've got to get going but you were a pleasure to meet. The man of the hour." Michael laughed. They stood up to say goodbye and Michael accidentally spilled his beer all over ashton. "Holy shit I'm so sorry!" Ashton groaned looking down at his wet T-shirt. "No it's cool I guess. I'll just have to explain to my Uber why his car seats gonna be wet." Michael walked with him. "I've had some to drink and I'd like to get home. Mind if I ride with you?" Ashton shrugged. "Yeah I guess so." Michael took him over to his car going through the trunk. "Here, you can put this on, it shrunk and I've just kept it." Ashton laughed before pulling his shirt off and tossing it in the trunk and slipped on Michael's old hockey jersey. It read 'clifford 98' with bold black letters against the bright red jersey. Michael bit his lip, it was still a little big on him but he looked amazing.

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