high - lashton

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Ashton was on his third line of cocaine when he saw the beautiful boy. His hair was pushed back, black button up, tight slacks, and he had boots on. "Calum!" Ashton yelled looking at his best friend. "Yeah mate?" They were sitting at the balcony of the club staring down at everyone. Calum was weighing out the product and dumping it into small bags. "Who's that." Ashton pointed out to the blonde who was laughing at something a girl had said. Calum followed his friends finger until he saw Luke. "Oh he came with Michael. His names Luke." "I'm gonna go talk to him." Ashton stood up from the table shoving one of the bags Calum had made into his back pocket. "Limit yourself Ashton." He waved him off already near the stairs. "Ashton! Just the guy I needed! Is Calum done?" Ashton smiled seeing the blonde. He could tell Michael liked Calum, Calum was just an asshole who never put himself first. "Yeah he's almost done up there. Who's your friend Luke?" They both glanced at the boy. "He said he wanted to go out so I brought him here." "Is it okay if I talk to him?" Michael rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure, just don't make him try any stuff. If you get what I mean." "Yeah, Okay." When Ashton approached the blonde he was talking to a girl. "Hey Bre." The girl waved and smiled. "And you are?" Ashton smiled looking at the blonde. "I'm Luke. You're Ashton right? Michael's friend?" Ashton nodded shaking the boys hand. "Yeah, that's me." He smiled. "He's always talking about you or Calum. It's like, I exist, you can talk about me too mikey." Ashton chuckled watching Luke laugh. "Hey Ashton, do you have any on you?" Bre spoke up taking a sip of her drink. "You know, I actually don't, Calum just finished bagging upstairs though. Michael should be down here pretty soon." The girl smiled and nodded again. "Yeah just wait for him by the stairs." The girl left, blending herself in with the crowd. "What's she talking about?" Luke asked setting his drink down. "Drugs." Ashton answered truthfully. Luke raised his eyebrows. "I actually do have some, I just wanted her to leave." "Oh yeah? Why so?" Luke smiled. "Just wanted to get some alone time with the pretty boy in front of me." "God you're so cheesy." Luke said nudging his arm. "Luke!" They both turned to see the blonde. "Hey I'm leaving, are you gonna stay or go?" "We can go." "What? Why? We're talking." Ashton protested. "Give me your phone, I'll put my number in." Ashton did what he was told and then the two men were gone.


"That's totally unfair!" Calum yelled. They were playing FIFA and Ashton was winning. Ashton laughed setting his control down.

From: Luke

Can't wait to see you tonight :)

"Dude I swear if your phone goes off one more fucking time." "You're just mad that I've got a boyfriend now." "Boyfriend? Please, it's only your second date." "Well he will be my boyfriend. Why don't you give Michael the time of day huh?" Calum shrugged. "Give him a chance." "I don't feel like we'd pair right. He's so all over the place. He definitely shouldn't do cocaine, he's got like ADHD or something." Ashton shoved the man. "Dude that's my friend. I should get going, gonna go get luke." "You're coming back here right?" Ashton nodded and then left their shared house.


"And this is my room. Hopefully we can end up there." Ashton spoke holding onto Luke's hand. "You're so stupid." Luke said. Calum was gone so Ashton was trying to take advantage of it. "Do you live alone?" "No my friend Calum lives with me." Ashton pulled him into the bedroom and closed the door behind them. "We can watch a movie if you'd like." Luke nodded watching Ashton empty his pockets and setting stuff down on his nightstand. "So you're like, an actual drug lord? Michael wasn't kidding?" He was staring at the dime baggies on the nightstand. Ashton laughed. "Um yeah, I guess." "Can I try it?" Luke asked looking the man in the eyes. "What? No! Are you crazy?!" Luke groaned wrapping himself around Ashton. "Please ash, I won't tell anyone, just a little. I've only ever smoked weed." "Okay, keep it that way." Luke moved his lips to Ashton's neck, soft kisses here and there. "Please Ash, I promise I won't tell." He whispered. "Just a little." "No Luke, I told Michael I wouldn't let you." Luke groaned. "Well can I watch you do it?" "You want me to snort cocaine in front of you? You're so weird." "I've never seen it!" Ashton shrugged pushing himself off the boy. Ashton kneeled over the night stand and poured some onto the wood. Carefully he used card and swiped the product around. "How'd you get into this?" Luke asked as he sat on the edge of Ashton's bed. "Highschool." He took the straw and took in the four lines pulling his head back. "Fuck." No matter how many times he'd done it, his nose would always burn. "Are you okay?" Luke asked concerned. "I'm fine baby. Let's watch some movies?" Luke nodded letting Ashton join him on the bed. "Are you high yet?" Ashton snorted kissing Luke's neck. "No, not yet, I'll let you know when okay?" "Why can't I try some? It'll just be this once." "Shut up luke." He turned the tv on and let luke choose a movie. "You know what'd be great?" Luke looked at the boy who's eyes were now slightly droopy. "What?" "If I could fuck you right now, have you yelling my name." Luke blushed. "Shut up, you're not okay." Ashton smiled pulling the boy for a kiss. "You know what'd be great?" Ashton hummed moving his lips to the boys neck. "If you let me try some. Just a little bit ashton. Please?" Ashton laughed pushing himself off. "You're so persistent baby, I love it." Ashton took some on his finger holding it to the boys nose. "We tell no one. Okay?" Luke nodded staring at Ashton's finger. "Just inhale, it'll burn." Luke inhaled the powder, flinching and rubbing his nose. "I don't like it." Luke frowned. Ashton smiled and kissed the boys forehead. "Relax babe, fun hasn't even started." Luke nodded and continued rubbing his nose. "Aye Lukey?" The blonde turned to Ashton, before he knew it ashton was planting a kiss on his lips. Luke moved his hands to Ashton's hair tugging on it lightly. Ashton chuckled and moved his lips to Luke's neck. The blonde moved his head back to give him more access. "How do you feel baby?" "I'm okay." Luke answered truthfully. He couldn't feel much because of the small dosage however, he wasn't interested in taking anymore. Ashton came back to Luke's lips pulling Luke to get on top of him. They made out like this for a few minutes. Luke wanted to grind against Ashton, he could feel the boys boner, but he didn't want Ashton to reject the movement. "Oh lu, my beautiful boy, you're amazing." Ashton cupped his face so they made direct eye contact. "Do you trust me? Is this okay?" Luke nodded quickly. Ashton's lips formed a smile before pulling Luke back into a kiss. There was slight lip biting and Ashton couldn't help but reach under the blondes shirt. He began toying with his nipples making Luke moan. "Good?" Luke nodded moving his lips against Ashton's neck. He had red spots all over the place, Luke couldn't wait to see them in the morning. Ashton pulled Luke away so he could take his shirt off. Soon his lips were attacking the boys nipples. Luke moaned again gripping Ashton's hair as he began to grind against him. Luke has had his share of random hookups but not one has taken their time the way ashton has. Ashton moved his lips away and pushed Luke off his lap so he laid back. "Can I take your pants off?" Luke nodded and Ashton began to unbutton him. He pulled down both his boxers and jeans revealing his boner. "Come on baby, spread your legs for me." Luke did what he was told and Ashton moved himself down and immediately began lapping over the boys hole. "Oh ashton, fuck oh my god." Ashton moved and began sucking marks onto the boys thighs and near his inner thigh. "Who do you belong to baby?" "You." Ashton got off the bed and began to strip his clothes off. He went to the nightstand to get what he needed and then went back to bed with Luke. Ashton pulled him for a quick kiss and pulled away. He grabbed the lube and poured some on his fingers. He circled around Lukes hole and slowly pushed one in. The man bit his lip feeling luke clench around his finger. He could only imagine how he'd feel around his dick. He slipped a second finger into Luke making him moan. "Faster ash." Ashton moved his fingers in and out quicker listening to Luke's moans. The man pulled his fingers out wiping them on the blanket. He grabbed the condom and slipped it on. "Ready baby?" Luke nodded. Ashton slowly pushed in watching Lukes facial expressions. His mouth fell into an 'o' shape as a moan escaped his mouth. Luke immediately moved his hands to Ashton's biceps letting the man thrust into him. "Oh god, fuck, Ashton." Ashton moved his head down to kiss luke. They moved quickly both being wrapped in pleasure. "You like this baby? Do I make you feel good?" Luke nodded. The blonde moved his hands to Ashton's hair and pulled. Ashton moaned as his head went back. "Again luke, do it it again." Luke pulled Ashton's hair again making him grunt in pleasure. Luke pulled the boy back down wrapping his legs around his waist. Luke pressed his lips to Ashton's feeling the man deep in him. Before he could ask ashton for more he was hitting his prostate. Luke but onto Ashton's shoulder blade trying to quiet himself. "No baby, I want to hear you." Luke fell back opening his mouth. "Oh! Ashy oh my god! Yes please more, I want more!" "Are you gonna cum? Hmm? Little Lukey's gonna come now?" "Yes, yes, yes! Please touch me Ashton! God touch me please." He quickly wrapped his hand to Luke's dick and moved his lips to the boys nipple. "Oh my god! Oh ashton, ash, fuck yeah please right there!" Luke pulled on Ashton's hair as he came all over Ashton's hand. He moved his hands to Ashton's back gripping him. Ashton moved from his nipple to his neck and began to mark him again. Luke still had his hands on Ashton's back clawing him as he felt the man thrust in and out. "Feels so good ashton." Luke mumbled. Before he knew it ashton came, deep inside the boy. He pulled off the boy and took the condom off. He picked his shirt up from the floor and cleaned his hand before cleaning luke. The boy was laying there with closed eyes and heavy breathing. He grabbed his boxers and put them back on and grabbed one of his clean ones for Luke and slid them on him. "Are you okay baby?" The boy opened his eyes nodding. "Yeah Im okay. Can we sleep?" Ashton smiled and nodded. "And can I have a shirt please?" Ashton stood up and went to his closet pulling one his black shirts for him. He went to bed and put the shirt on him. They were cuddled up in the dark half asleep. "Ashton?" "Hmm?" "Will you be my boyfriend?" Ashton let out a small laugh. "Yeah, ill be your boyfriend."

hi ...... LISTENNNNNN I've been very busy ok schools back in session.

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