Toxic -mashton

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"It's crazy, cause you're toxic, so toxic."

Or where ashton fucks michael


There ashton sat, watching his favorite boy, do his favorite move, on a different man. It was his guilty pleasure coming in to see his ex move around all sensual for other men, and sometimes women. Ashton had paid for a private session with the red head. "Irwin?" Ashton looked towards the security guard who was ready to lead him to his room. "Again? Really Ashton?" "I just can't get enough of you Mikey." Ashton took off the suit jacket and laid it on the chair. Michael pushed the boy towards the bed, sitting him down. Michael began to grind on the boys crotch letting Ashton feel him. The older man began leaving kisses all over Michael's neck. He could feel Ashton harden through his slacks, so he began to move slower. "We've been broken up for months Ashton, give it up, you need to move on." He leaned back giving Ashton more access. The older man moved Michael away and towards the bed. "I can't help it Mikey. I love seeing you like this." Ashton stood up slipping his pants off. "You know what I love about you Michael? You talk all this shit about me, us, but we both know you haven't moved on either. Tell me, why'd we break up again?" He was kissing Michael's chest moving close to his nipples. "Are you gonna tell me?" Michael grabbed the boys hair pulling him and smashing his lips onto his. "Michael answer the question, if not so help me god." "I thought it'd be better if we did." "Why Michael?" "Because you're fucking toxic!" Ashton laughed into the boys lips grinding down on him. "You love it don't you?" Michael nodded letting the boy pull down the tight underwear he was wearing. "I love you kitten." Michael only nodded feeling Ashton's fingers invade his mouth. He knew what he had to do. When Ashton felt the need to, he took his fingers out and slowly pushed two into Michael. He was slightly lose, as Ashton wasn't his first client, the older man enjoyed that he had to do less work to fuck him. "You enjoy this don't you? Being touched by different men everyday? But at the end of the day you get me. I get you." Michael moaned feeling ashton creep a third finger. "Are you good babe?" "Yeah, go head." Ashton put on the condom provided to him and spit on his hand rubbing it around his length. "Ready baby?" Michael nodded grasping onto Ashton's arm. Ashton pushed all the way and started thrusting immediately. "Feels so good ashy." He was always Michael's last. He could feel all of ashton inside of him. Enjoying every single second, loving how ashton knew what he wanted. Ashton stilled, moving to the boys neck. "Like this right mikey? You like it when I move slow like this? When I make 'love' to you?" He moved his lips to Michael's. Ashton began thrusting loving how he felt inside of Michael. He loved taking out his anger on the younger boy. Before he knew what he was doing he slapped Michael across the face. Michael groaned licking his lips. "What was that for baby?" "For breaking up with you." Ashton hummed kissing the spot where he hit. He pulled out telling him to flip over. With Michael on his stomach, Ashton grabbed his wrist holding them down. "I love how spread out you are mikey. How many did you sleep with today, Michael?" "Ten." "Including me?" "Yes." Ashton slapped Michael's ass. "For each man you will get one slap baby."


"What do you say mikey?" "Thank you, Ashton."


"Thank you for everything you've done for me."


"Good job baby." Ashton pushes into Michael feeling the boy suck him in. "Feels so good mikey." Ashton thrusted full force gripping the boys hip with one hand, and his wrists in the other. Michael was moaning, eyes closed, mouth wide open with drool coming out of it. "Feels so good ashton." Michael could feel his orgasm coming. "Ash Im gonna cum soon." The older boy started moving faster, the headboard moving along with every movement they made. "Oh fuck Michael! God you're so good baby!" Michael could moan and whine feeling his ex boyfriend fucking him until he wanted. "God, fuck, Ashton god!" Before Michael would comprehend anything he was coming, feeling he wetness form under him. Ashton kept going not caring if the boy couldn't continue. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, Ashton oh my fucking god!" The older man did one last push before releasing into the condom. Ashton pulled out collapsing onto the spot next to Michael. They gave themselves a few minutes to collect themselves, catching their breaths. "You need to stop coming here Ashton. Move on." The older man ignored him pulling his jacket over his now wrinkled button up. He helped Michael into the underwear he was wearing, and then into a robe. Ashton kissed him lightly caressing his face. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Michael nodded falling into Ashton's touch. "You're so bad for me Ashton Irwin." Ashton only smiled before kissing him one last time before he was out the door.

Ok done SMHHHHH im having writers block on smut lmfao please vote, comment, share, add to your reading lists, anything!

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