Why wont you love me- Mashton

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"Somehow, I always end up in your arms." Ashton let the boy unwrap himself from his frame. It's like they were soulmates meant to be. "Ashton do you love me? It's okay if you don't." "I do." "Liar." Michael grabbed his bag from the floor and started walking towards the door. "If you loved me Ashton, I wouldn't have to wait 30 minutes to come see my boyfriend because he's fucking someone else. If you loved me Ashton, we wouldn't be here right now. You're so bad for me." The boy left with tears in his eyes and Ashton dumbfounded.


It's been two months now, Michael was out with his friends, and his life looked okay. He still thought about him a lot. "Michael! Hey earth to Michael!" Luke shoved a drink in his hand. "We've been here for two hours and you're barely drunk. Please get drunk Mike!" Michael rolled his eyes and chugged the drink. He was here with Luke, his girlfriend, Calum, and their friend Iris. Her and Calum obviously liked each other but no one said anything. After multiple drinks they were all outside stumbling among each other. "Mikey, babe, are you sure you don't want to go with us?" Calum hiccuped into the boys ear. Michael giggled pushing him off. "Shut up cal. Im not going to another bar with you guys." They all shrugged him off and got into their taxi. Michael walked through the city looking for the subway entrance. Michael was drunk, but he was still conscious mentally. He thought about everything that had happened to him in the last two months. He lost his cat, his boyfriend didn't love him, his friends only stay because they know how fragile he is, and he  was jobless for a month. He sat in the train sobbing his eyes out. He went back to Ashton. Why doesn't he love him? What's so wrong with Michael? They'd been dating for so long but he never loved him the way michael does.  "Hello?" "Why won't you love me Ashton?" "Michael do you know what time it is?! It's three in the fucking morning! I have work!" Michael sobbed into the phone. He heard a heavy sigh and fast movement. "Michael where are you? Are you drunk?" "We were together for four years Ashton. We broke up and then you'd beg for me to come back. You cheated all the time. Why? What's wrong with me Ashton? Tell me." Ashton's throat was dry. "Mikey, where are you? I'm gonna come get you." "I'm getting off the train now. I'm walking towards your building." Michael shivered feeling the cold air hit his wet face. "I think about you every day ashton, how I let you play me. But every day I miss you more and more and I can't help it. Just answer me!" The line went dead and Michael cried even more. "How could he be so stupid? Ashton just wanted to climb to the top, and he didn't care who he hurt. Somehow Michael led himself to 'Irwin Co.'. He used to sit up there with Ashton, on their first year, just watched the boy work. They'd eat lunch every day and then Ashton would come over to his house and eat dinner.  He should've gone out with his friends. Now he's drunk and crying on the footsteps of his ex boyfriends building. "Michael! Why aren't you wearing a jacket?! It's freezing!" Ashton pulled his hoodie off and handed it to Michael. "I shouldn't have called you, I'm sorry. I'm just drunk and a lot happened after we broke up." Michael stood up handing the soft fabric back. "It's okay." Michael started waking again. "Wait! Michael lets talk." "Don't you have work tomorrow?" "Please michael, lets go inside." Ashton pulled out a set of keys and Michael made his way back to the door. He still had tears running down his face. They were in the elevator up to Ashton's floor. Michael decided to break the silence. "Ashton, I'm really sorry. It's been two months and you're probably over this. I'm sorry." Ashton looked up at the boy with glossy eyes and pressed his lips to his chapped ones. He could feel Michael's tears coming down again, but the blonde still kissed him back. "I'm sorry." Ashton mumbled against his lips. "I'm sorry about all the shit I gave you Michael. I've been the worst boyfriend to you. I don't deserve someone like you." The younger boy held onto Ashton sobbing into his shirt. "Mikey, baby, stop crying. It's okay. Look at me." Michael looked at Ashton. It'd been a while since he got to look at him so close. Ashton's hair was red now and he had a couple new tattoos he noticed. "Why'd you do it ashton? Over and over you let me down." "I don't know." They sat inside Ashton's office now. His blinds were up letting the city lights shine in. "I love you, Michael, I've missed you." "I have too." Ashton leaned in for another kiss letting Michael lace his fingers in the boys hair. "Let me show you how much I love you." Ashton pulled his shirt over his head and let michael admire him. It'd been some time since they'd seen each other. They were kissing again and Michael was going crazy being able to touch Ashton's skin again. "Can I take your shirt off?" Michael nodded letting the man pull it from his body. "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry for everything I've done to you." Michael nodded his head letting tears fall again. "Don't cry baby." Ashton moved his hands and began toying with the boys belt. They were both naked now and Ashton was two fingers deep inside Michael. He was gripping onto the leather with his eyes closed tightly. "Does it feel good?" Michael nodded. Ashton pulled his fingers out and spit on his hand rubbing it all over himself. Slowly, he pushed in watching as Michael's chest raised up and down. "Are you okay?" Ashton asked. "It's just been a long time." "Since you've had sex or since me?" "Both." His eyes were red and glossy. "You can move now." Ashton started to move slowly watching as Michael bit his lip to keep quiet. "Faster ashton." Ashton shook his head no. "Stop trying to please me Michael, I know what you like and what you don't like." He stopped moving and tapped Michael to sit on his lap. He began to ride ashton with his head on the crook of his neck and hands in his hair. "I've missed this so much." Michael mumbled feeling his ex's dick go in and out. Ashton pulled Michael into a kiss gripping his waist. "I'll never love anyone they way I love you Michael." Michael could feel tears form in his eyes and began to bounce faster. Ashton stopped him and moved him back to laying on the couch. "I don't want you to think this is just a quick fuck, I want to make love to you Michael. Let me love you. Let me show you now I've changed." Michael nodded and moaned feeling Ashtons lips on his neck. Ashton moved his lips to Michael's slowly kissing as Michael moved himself on ashton. "Don't leave me after this." Michael panted. His eyes were glued to the window, the city was dark and quiet, he could see the water and star. Everything was peaceful. "I don't want to chase you anymore ashton." Ashton began to pump the man up and down making Michael grasp his hair. "Promise me you won't leave me ashton." He started moving quickly to chase his high. "I promise I won't." Ashton moaned out. He'd been everywhere but no one did it like Michael. Ashton came inside the boy with Michael following him shortly after. "I love you." Ashton whispered kissing Michael's forehead. "I love you so much, Michael Clifford." "It's okay." The boy said back. "No it's not, I know you'll forgive me though."



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